EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard 2013
The European Commission has today published its 2013 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. read more
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The European Commission has today published its 2013 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. read more
The European Parliament has today given its consent to the EU budget 2014-2020. The budget as agreed includes nearly €80 billion for Horizon 2020, the EU's next research and innovation programme. This... read more
The Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership will be awarding 410 PhD studentships over a five year period to excellent research students in the arts and humanities funded by the AHRC. The DTP, a... read more
The first round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport challenge of the new Horizon 2020 Framework Programme will be published at the end of the year. read more
Central European University is an English-language, graduate university with an urban campus located in the beautiful center of the thriving cultural capital--Budapest, Hungary. A university with... read more
The European Fund for the Balkans in cooperation with the European House (Hungary) is realizing the EFB Community Training Programme “Think and Act as a European” which is held both in Hungary and... read more
A new Eurobarometer survey shows that more than three quarters (77%) of Europeans think that science and technology has a positive influence on society. read more
The largest ICT conference in Europe, ‘ICT2013: Create, Connect, Grow’, has closed in Vilnius. The event had more visitors than any other event under the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European... read more
In view of the launch of first calls for proposals under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, foreseen for mid-December, the European Commission has published the draft Work... read more
In conclusion of the high-level meeting between the EC and the Financial Institutions on 5 November, participants agreed to reinforce cooperation on investments in the Western Balkans, giving the Western... read more