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Version 1.13 of Mr. Myer W. Morron’s FP7 Book, which follows on from the highly acclaimed FP5 and FP6 versions has been published by EFPConsulting Ltd. It replaces drafts that were previously released. The downloadable book continues to be free as it was in the previous framework programs. The book is constantly updated and registered users are notified of important changes and updates by Email. The book is over 200 pages long and covers subjects such ...
... preparations have been completed will be opened and closed in accordance with established procedures", in line with the negotiating frameworks that have been adopted prior to the start of negotiations. The Council will, says the programme, "continue to monitor closely the implementation by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia of the reforms required in order to open accession negotiations. The Presidencies will work to further advance the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries in line with the enlargement strategy defined by the European Council in December 2006." Source: Enlargement Newsletter Enlargement features prominently in the ...
EU support for RTDI is provided mainly through the Seventh Research Framework Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the Structural Funds. When operating individually, these three funding sources already act as effective tools in support of RTDI. However, their value can be further enhanced by combining them. How can this be done? The answer to this question is provided by the "Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and ...
Presentation by Teki Biçoku and Salvatore Bushati, given at the International Conference on Science and Education Policies held in Chisinau, Moldova, 18- 21 September 2008. Teki Biçoku/Salvatore Bushati: Contribution of Academy of Science of Albania on Strengthening Research in Higher Education. Academy of Science of Moldova
Presentation by Prof.dr. Adila Pašalić Kreso, given at the International Conference on Science and Education Policies held in Chisinau, Moldova, 18- 21 September 2008. Adila Pašalić Kreso: Achieving Teaching Goals of Bologna
Process in Higher Education in B&H, and Neglecting Research Programs and Policy Academy of Science of Moldova
Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Secretariat by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, submitted to the Regional Cooperation Council Board in line with article 10 of the Statute of the Regional Cooperation Council This report covers the period between 20 May 2008 and 1 October 2008. Having achieved full operational capacity and having recruited majority of staff, in the period following the meeting of the RCC Board held on 20 May 2008 in Pomorie, the RCC ...
Significant progress has been made on regional cooperation with the countries of South East Europe assuming responsibility for the Regional Cooperation Council, a regionally owned cooperation framework building on the achievements of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. Five priority areas for cooperation have been defined for the RCC encompassing economic and social development, infrastructure, justice and home affairs, security cooperation and building human capital with parliamentary ...
Deliverable D2.9 (final version), prepared by Nikos Sidiropoulos (GSRT) in 2008, the 2010-Update of D2.9 (final version), prepared by Kelly Vavasi (GSRT) in 2009/2010, and the 2014-Update of D2.9 (final version), prepared by Michalis Kotsias (GSRT) in 2013/2014. For the report D2.9, two CSAs (Coordination and Support Actions), named SCORE and BAFN (identified under T1.4 in Work Package 1), which were running under FP6 and which have already performed S&T priority setting exercises, ...
The topics covered at the conference were: current projects regarding fostering of entrepreneurial competitiveness projects presented by successful entrepreneurs transfer of knowledge into business local government and collaboration with entrepreneurs More than 100 participants from eight countries (USA, Canada, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia) actively participated in the event. The outcome of the conference was also a survey on transfer of technology and competitivness. The survey with the focus on technological transfer from science to business projects, was answered by 66 participants of the conference ...
EIF (European Investment Fund) is the main manager of the financial instruments covered by CIP. The instruments designed to provide access to finance to SMEs through the EIF ( are: · the High Growth Innovative Scheme, providing risk capital for innovative SMEs in their early stages and in their expansion phase; · the SME Guarantee Facility, providing loan guarantees with the intention to encourage banks to make more debt finance available to SMEs · the Seed ...