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... competition, you must comply with the terms and conditions: - successfully complete the IMBA recruitment process (according to the Business School recruitment regulations) - be a national of one of the countries listed below: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,  Montenegro, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary . A proof of identity shall be requested to confirm the citizenship. The deadline for submitting the applications (i.e. for entering the competition) is  14th September 2013   More information about  terms of Competition – click here Should you have any questions, please ...
... is an important key aspect of the joint degree and students are expected to learn a regional language and/or the predominant language of their mobility institution. Teaching staff We proud ourselves for being able to gather an international team of teachers from the leading universities and research institutes in Serbia, Austria, Great Britain and the US. For further details on lecturers and compulsory courses they teach during the first two semesters, please, see You will be able to expand your choices even more, by opting to spend the third - mobility – semester at one of ...
... 785. Participants that will be covering their own travel and accommodation costs will be informed on the acceptance. Scholarships: Several scholarships covering travel costs and accommodation costs are available for participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Kyrgyzstan, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Georgia, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine. Participants that will be granted the scholarship need to fulfill following requirements: they need to be PhD students or young faculty members under the age of 40 who are studying or working in fields of humanities and social sciences originating from the above mentioned countries. In case you ...
... the local level, and it gives an overview of the business excellence model in the Municipality of Tesanj in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Future topics and/or contributions can be proposed by writing to  Tatjana Potezica Operativni menadzer / Operations Manager Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) Vlajkoviceva 29, Belgrade - Serbia +381 (0)64 14 54 362 ...
... issue throughout the region and, obviously, undermines any attempts to persuade Western universities to trust claims about academic standards there. The stillwidespread use of frequent one-to-one oral examinations is one factor that facilitates academic corruption, but simply changing processes (as with the move to written examinations in Serbia or new, quality-assurance procedures) is unlikely to eradicate a deep-rooted problem. (I described one such attempt in Georgia in International Higher Education no. 42, 2006.) Uvalic-Trumbic alsonotes thatthe alleged implementation ofBologna reforms in Serbia has probably “beenmerely cosmetic.” This was also our conclusion from around the region ...
The Coordinators of the Danube Region Strategy's Priority Areas (PACs) are expected to submit an annual Progress Report to the Directorate-General for Regional Policy of the European Commission on the progress made regarding the implementation of the targets and actions of the Strategy. The second Annual Report of Priority Area 9 "People and Skills" of the EUSDR was submitted to the European Commission at the end of June 2013. It covers the period between June 2012 and June 2013 ...
Who may apply: • CSOs registered in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia. Priority will be given to those organisations which have not been recipients of EU funding acting as lead organisations; • Individual researchers, citizens of these 6 countries, under 35 years old (including M.A. students in the last year of their studies). The deadline for sending the project proposals is  ...
... includes World Heritage managers, scientists, practitioners and researchers with applied interests in sustainable energy governance issues, preferably but not exclusively in UNESCO designated sites, from following countries in South East Europe and Caucasus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, UNMIK/Kosovo*. Requirements The following candidates are eligible to apply: Current postgraduate students (master’s and PhD candidates) in natural and human sciences on sustainable energy governance related topics; Postdoctoral researchers in natural and human sciences on sustainable energy governance related topics. Graduated ...
This is a new version (update July 2013) of the guide for applying for and submitting project proposals under the WBIF. Beneficiaries of the WBIF projects are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, Western Balkans. WBIF
The Project Implementation Manual under the Second Call for proposals under the Bulgaria - Serbia IPA Cross Border Programme has been updated. Version 3 of the approved manual and all its annexes can be found HERE.
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