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The Program in a Nutshell 1. Pioneers of the Balkans Roadshow and promotion 584 teams applied from five countries: Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro. 2. Education and preparation of the startups 300+ accepted were accepted to the program and prepared for their first pitch at semi-finals in Belgrade 3. Semifinals and Belgrade Venture Forum. During three days from 12-14th Nov in Belgrade our +300 teams are pitching behind the closed doors to ...
... developed as a part of the Policy Dialogue between researchers and policy makers, integrated within the Regional Research Promotion Programme Western Balkans (RRPP). The Virtual Platform of Researchers aims to mobilize and develop research capacities and thus contribute to and support public policies on scientific research and higher education in Kosovo*. By presenting the research interests and activities of local social science researchers, the Virtual Platform of Researchers aspires to: Promote research within the academic community; Disseminate this research to policy-makers and the general public; Enable local researchers who work in Kosovo* and abroad to present their interests and research, as ...
The following indicative strategy papers are available for the countries in the region: (please find them attached) Indicative Strategy Paper for Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2017) Indicative Strategy Paper for Albania (2014-2020) Indicative Strategy Paper for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2014-2020) Indicative Strategy Paper for Kosovo (2014-2020) Indicative Strategy Paper for Montenegro (2014-2020) Indicative Strategy Paper for Serbia (2014-2020) Multi-Country Indicative Strategy Paper (2014-2020) Prepared in partnership with the beneficiaries, IPA II sets a new framework for providing pre-accession assistance for the period 2014-2020. The most important novelty of IPA II is its strategic focus. Country ...
... Region and Western Balkans, in order to support them in introducing and implementing EU acquis relevant to local and regional governments. The Second  BACID Call for proposals has been launched and will support know-how transfer actions to the target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo* and Moldova ...
... Science, representatives of other European countries and other distinguished guests. Source: Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) The RCC reports: Western Balkans ministers of science signed on September 18 in Split an agreement on establishment of the Western Balkans Research and Innovation Centre (WISE), gathering Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*, and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...
... amp; Recreation, Social Sciences, Research. Deadline for abstract papers: October 4th 2015 (Please see the Call for papers attached) The event is organised for the 3rd time by the Faculty of Social Sciences & Faculty of Education -University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Albania and University Education for Business and Technology, Kosovo*, in partnership with many public/ non public universities from Albania, the WBC region, Europe and the USA ...
... Recreation, Social Sciences, Research. Deadline for abstract papers: October 4th 2015 (Please see the Call for papers article below) The event is organised for the 3rd time by the Faculty of Social Sciences & Faculty of Education -University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Albania and University Education for Business and Technology, Kosovo*, in partnership with many public/ non public universities from Albania, the WBC region, Europe and the USA. Shkodra
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. Most importantly, this package includes the annual Enlargement Strategy Paper which sets out the way forward for the coming year and takes stock of the progress made over the last twelve months by each candidate country and potential candidate. In addition to this strategy paper, the package contains the so-called Progress ...
The final publication of EVAL-INNO highlights the strategic importance of evaluations, which are challenged by increasingly differentiated innovation policy and funding mixes, and are made all the more important by progressively more leveraged national budgets for research, technological development and innovation, as well as the need to develop and evaluate policies which bridge traditional policy fields. This publication presents the tangible evidence of the progress made by the EVAL-INNO ...
... Framework  with  the  European  Qualifications Framework during the first half of 2014. The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education for technical support became operational during the spring of 2014. As a result of the dialogue agreement on university diplomas,  graduates from  Kosovo  and Serbian  universities  can  have  their  higher  education  diplomas  certified  by  the  European University  Association.  Kosovo  participates  actively  in  the  Western  Balkans  Platform  on Education and Training. The ...
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