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... to key regional development indicators such as population density, employment, R&D spending and other economic factors. Data comes from all 27 EU Member States, as well as, when available, the four EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), the acceding country (Croatia) and three of the candidate countries (Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey). The Eurostat Regional Yearbook 2012 includes a chapter "Science, technology and innovation" which presents statistical information that illustrates regional developments for science and technology indicators within the European Union (EU). The domains covered are research and development (R & D), the number ...
... At the end of 2009, the former Development Fund has been transformed into the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro and is a joint stock company owned by the state of Montenegro (MoE 2010b: 7). The aim of the institution is to provide incentives for and acceleration of economic development of Montenegro. With the founding of IDF, the Government of Montenegro has provided an efficient support mechanism for economic development, especially having in mind economic and financial crises. The Fund's activity is ...
... The Privatization and Capital Projects Council has been formed pursuant to the Law on Privatization Economy ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 23/96, 6/99, 59/00,42/04) in order to manage, control and supply the privatization process implementation as well as to propose and coordinate all activities necessary for the capital projects application in Montenegro. The council has been formed for the purpose of protecting the interests of ...
... that have been identified during the first two years of the project on regional, national and international level, and reduce the remaining obstacles or have them on the political agenda; and  •          Establish a regional BSC Network, together with bscs throughout Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, bih and FYR of Macedonia. Initially, the BSC Bar is a project of SPARK (formerly ATA - Academic Training Association) and following project partners: Bar Municipality, Faculty of Tourism Hotel management and Trade, Economic School, Montenegro Business Alliance, Association of Olive Producers, Cultural Centre, Forum of Unemployed Women ...
85% Employment Agency of Montenegro Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
... The Employment Agency, as the Montenegrin organized labour market institution, is dedicated to support unemployed persons in Montenegro. To this end, it provides among others the following services: ·   Labour market research ·   Job-finding and work engagement ·   Consulting and informing employers and unemployed people on job opportunities and unemployment insurance ·   Organization of training and education of the unemployed ·   Vocational guidance ...
... The Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro is a Regional Development Agency playing an important rile in implementation of development projects in the north of Montenegro. Since its establishment, FORS has implemented or commenced implementation of different activities, predominately in the following fields: ·         Regional positioning (setting up priorities, project ...
85% Institute of Biomedical Research, Montenegro Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
... The Institute of Biomedical Research was founded in early 2010, in partnership with the Government of Montenegro. It is located in Podgorica, the capital city of Montenegro. The Institute of Biomedical Research is a private venture institution committed primarily to the protection and improvement of the health and well-being of the people of Montenegro, through: ·         Regulatory control of industrial activities and products ·        ...
85% Institute of Biomedical Research, Montenegro Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
... The Institute of Biomedical Research was founded in early 2010, in partnership with the Government of Montenegro. It is located in Podgorica, the capital city of Montenegro. The Institute of Biomedical Research is a private venture institution committed primarily to the protection and improvement of the health and well-being of the people of Montenegro, through: ·         Regulatory control of industrial activities and products ·        ...
... In Montenegro, a network of regional and local business centres has been developed (six regional centres and three local ones), providing a number of subsidised services for businesses and supporting beginners in business. In partnership with donors (such as EAR and GTZ), DDSME has created eleven regional/local business centres. More than ...
84% Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
... The Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro is an autonomous, business, professional and interest-basted organisation of business organisations, banks and other financial organisations, personal and property insurance companies, and entrepreneurs doing business in Montenegro (MoE 2009: 38). Within CCE, eleven sub-associations exist. Functioning as a link between the private and public sector, CCE provides information and training ...
... The Montenegro Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Entrepreneurship is a roof organization representing the professional, economical and social interests of Montenegrin small and medium sized enterprises organized by 15 professional associations. It is a self-governed, professional and interest organization that deals with the improvement and development of handicrafts by creating of conditions ...
71% Business Incubator Berane, Montenegro Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
Activities to establish an incubator in the northern region are still in progress in cooperation with the Municipality of Berane, the organisation Cariatas – Luxemburg and DDSME (MoE 2009: 51). By now, the business plan and a plan of construction work for the new facility has been developed. This project is supported by IPA 2008 – Project “Improving Business Environment for Small and Rural Enterprises” (MoE 2009: 51). Contact E-mail: biroberane@cg.yu       ...
In December 2008, DDSME and the Capital City of Podgorica established the first business incubator in the field of information technologies (IT). D.o.o.Inventivnost started its work in March 2009 and plays an important role in the process of founding companies, intensifying the transfer of know-how and creating highly qualified personnel. Further Partners in the project is the University and Municipality of Podgorica, GIZ, TAM/BAS and the organization SPARK. Entrepreneurs with feasible ...
32% Montenegrin Employers Federation Organisation 22. Oct. 2012
... on international level. MEF is a member of IOE and BusinessEurope and one of the founding members of Adriatic Region Employers’ Centre (AREC), with headquarters in Zagreb. MEF is a member of United Nations strategic initiative for entrepreneurs – UN Global Compact. MEF is the founder of Association of Businesswomen in Montenegro, it has established the Association of Craftsmen, small and medium enterprises, and given full support to the project of founding the Institute for Research and Development of SMEs. MEF membership includes small and medium enterprises, associations of employers (business associations) and large economic systems. MEF members make around 85% of ...
... The Agency for International Co-operation of Montenegro is an institution of the Government of Montenegro which was established approximately 30 years ago. The Agency consists of the following organisational units: •  Department for International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation; and •  Department for General and Financial Issues. The Department for International Scientific and Technical Co-operation performs the following duties: •  Preparation, co-ordination and implementation ...
... In 2007, a consortium formed by DDSME, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Montenegro, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Business Start-up Centre Bar planned the setting up for a Centre for Promotion of Innovation within the business sector (DG Research 2010: 11). In November 2007, the Directorate for Development of SMEs (DDSME) submitted to the DG Enterprise and Industry Project Proposal “European Information and Innovation Centre Montenegro” (Call ...
... For the purpose of drafting, coordinating and monitoring the Strategy for Development of SMEs 2011-2015, the Ministry of Economy set up an Coordination Team for Drafting and Implementing the Strategy for Development of SMEs 2011-2015 containing representatives of domestic stakeholders and international donors such as the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, Montenegrin Employers Federation, Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro, USAID, EC andUNDP. The strategy’s aim is to achieve a more favourable business environment which would reflect positively on SME competitiveness, innovation, export, employment, and uniform regional development (DDSME 2010: 1). Contact Website: Phone:  +382 20 482 163; +382 20 234 ...
... in Montenegrin media, as well as at professional conferences from the field of ICT, which are organized in Montenegro. The Commission especially evaluates the originality of solutions, breadth of application, integrity of solutions, multidisciplinarity and teamwork. Contact Website: http:// E-mail: Phone: +382 20 241 412 Fax: +382 20 241 790 Address: Rimski Trg 45, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro Department for ...
85% Adriatic - Ionian Initiative, Montenegro Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
... of cooperation, special attention was directed towards: economic and technical assistance and cooperation in traffic; environmental protection; SME cooperation and cooperation in the fields of culture, education and tourism; and cooperation in combating all forms of criminal. The Adriatic-Ionian Initiative is presided on rotation basis between the seven countries members. Montenegro holds currently the chairmanship (June 2010 – May 2011). Contact Address: Stanka Dragojevića 2, Podgorica, Montenegro Contact persons: Nada Kovac, Advisor for Mobility Programmes,Tourism, Culture and Interuniversity Cooperation Phone: +382 20 405 313 E-mail: Focal points by the area of cooperation ...
... Programme (CIP) in March 2008 and associated itself with the first EIP and third component ICT PSP – April 2011. DDSME is the responsible institution for the first component, while the Ministry for Informational Society and Telecommunications is for the third one. The establishment of the European Information and Innovation Centre Montenegro was financially supported by this programme (DG Research 2010: 7). Contact E-mail: Phone:  +382 20 406 310 Fax: +382 20 406 323 Address: Novaka Miloseva 42, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Contact person: Ljiljana Belada, EIICM Manager Phone: + 382 20 406 310 E-mail: www ...
84% Meat processing Cluster Initiative, Montenegro Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
First initiative for clustering in Montenegro was established as support to the Associtaion of smoked ham producers from Njegusi, realized by DDSME and GTZ in 2007.  Contact E-mail: Phone: +382 32 332 159 Address: Dobrota bb, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro Contact Person: Dragan Cavor, President E-mail:
... In December 2010, the previous Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been split and a separate Ministry of Science has been established in Montenegro as the main research funding and policy making body. Within the ministry, the department for scientific-research activities is in particular responsible for the development of strategies and programmes for scientific research, for the preparation of corresponding laws and regulations and for Montenegro’s participation in multilateral, regional and bilateral R ...
83% Ministry of Education and Sports, Montenegro Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
... the main policy making body for education and sports and performs all tasks related to the Montenegrin educational system. Contact Website: E-mail: Phone:  +382 20 410 100 Fax: +382 20 410 101 Address: Vaka Đurovića b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Contact persons: Slavoljub Stijepovic, Minister Of Education and Sports E-mail: Srđan Raicevic, Secretary of the Ministry More contacts on:
The Council for Scientific-Research Activities is the highest-level advisory body for scientific research policy and strategic planning, as well as for the implementation of activities related to this issue (DG Research 2010: 10). Its main purpose is to analyse the Montenegrin research and science system, make corresponding proposals to the government, prepare and monitor the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific-Research Activities, and give opinions on laws and regulations related to ...
Results 25 funds were identified. There are 11 regional funds, of which 8 are loan funds (most with their own or associated technical assistance), and 3 that offer technical assistance (sometimes with small grants). The total funding available through regional facilities is 592.85 M€, 98% of which is loan funding (including associated technical assistance and grants). Most funds cover the entire region but do not necessarily operate in every country. While improving, to date Albania and ...
33% Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
... The Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency (MIPA) is a national investment agency set up by the Government of Montenegro in order to promote foreign investments in Montenegro and to facilitate the economic development of Montenegro. The Agency was established in 2005. The mission of MIPA is to partner with foreign and domestic investors, the public and private sector, and international groups and individuals to increase investments in Montenegro and help bring accelerated economic development, dynamic growth and prosperity for all Montenegrin citizens. The Agency promotes ...
... Montenegro. In the same year, cluster mapping was carried out in the northern region of Montenegro, and two diagnostic studies were developed for two potential clusters mapped in that area. Already in 2011, cluster development initiative was expanded throughout the entire country. The mapping process was carried out in the entire ...
Main results showed that Knowledge transfer is an emerging issue in Western Balkan countries. Of the countries involved in this workshop, Serbia stands out as most developed in terms of research, KT and KT policies. In all Western Balkan countries, KT policies need to be assessed against a particular background as they are young democracies which are still developing their institutions and which have a relatively low priority for research, innovation and KT. Source: KTS The Knowledge Transfer ...
... after the end of the Balkan conflict, is a success in itself, as it stands as the first common institutional project undertaken by the non-European Union countries of South East Europe. Source: The Energy Community The 10th Ministerial Council which is hosted by Energy Community will take place in Budva, Montenegro on October, 18, 2012. The agenda includes Report on the implementation of the Work Programme of the Energy Community (ECS), Report of Audit as of 31 Dec 2011, Budget Committee Report on Audit 2011 (Art. 81(5) of the Procedures + Internal Rules of Procedures of the Budget Committee III.2 ...
The press release of the 3190th meeting Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) of the Council of the European Union which was held in Luxembourg, on October 10-11, 2012, is now published. The Council agreed on the main elements of the rules of participation in projects funded under "Horizon 2020", the next research and innovation framework programme for the years 2014-2020. It also agreed on the arrangements for incorporating the European Institute of Innovation and ...
... European Union contribution in the form of a grant from the IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession) National programme for Montenegro in support of investment in Pljevlja co-financed by the EIB loans under the project entitled “Montenegro water and sanitation”. The total amount of the grant agreement signed by the EIB and Montenegro is EUR 3.5 m. EIB lending operations in Montenegro amount to some EUR 350 million since the start of its activities in the country in 2002. Source: Press contact: Marco Santarelli,, +39 331 6595594; Website: - Press office: +352 4379 21000 – On October ...
... Curie grants under the Specific Programme ‘People’. Further efforts are necessary with a view to participating in the next EU Research and Innovation Programme ‘Horizon 2020’. Preparations in this area are on track. Some progress can be noted with regard to Montenegro’s integration into the European Research Area (ERA). The budget for the national funding programme has increased and has been allocated in a transparent and competitive manner and in line with EU priorities in terms of thematic areas. Funding has also been used to stimulate mobility of researchers. Montenegro has ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Some progress has been made regarding research and innovation policy. Serbia has taken actions to stimulate innovation and strengthen its research infrastructures. However, public investment in research remains at 0.5% of GDP, below the national target, and the number of researchers has not increased. Regarding framework programmes, Serbia’s participation in the 7th EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) ...
... submissions increased, but the number of successful FP7 projects funded is still very low. ARTI stepped up its promotion efforts and training sessions, attended several EU networking events and actively followed the work on the WBC.INCO.NET project under FP7. ARTI has signed bilateral cooperation agreements with Italy, Greece, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia and Turkey. As regards integration into the European Research Area (ERA), there has been little progress on implementation of the national strategy on science, technology and innovation. Some measures have been taken to strengthen human capital-building, such as increasing the Fund for Excellence ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research In the area of research and innovation policy, Croatia is sufficiently prepared. It has continued to participate successfully in the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) and has taken several measures to reform the national research landscape with a view to further integration into the European Research Area. Measures have been taken also to stimulate innovation and to contribute to the ...
In more details, the Analytical report shows: Education, training, research and innovation Kosovo* has a comprehensive medium-term education strategy, encompassing all education sub-sectors. The legislation on higher education is in place and requires higher education institutions (and programmes) to undergo external evaluation by the Kosovo* Accreditation Agency (KAA). A number of programmes do not meet KAA quality standards. On the basis of the law on pre-university education the ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Little progress can be reported on research and innovation policy. The preparations of the national programme for scientific and research activities for 2012-2016 and the strategy on innovation have advanced, but remain to be adopted. The 2012 programmes for scientific research activities, technological development and technical culture were adopted. The budget for these programmes has, however, ...
... the strategy on innovation have advanced, but the documents remain to be adopted. Participation in FP7 continued to be good. The Analytical Report on Kosovo* states that in the areas of education, training, research and innovation, the policy and legal frameworks are in place, as are the relevant institutions. In Montenegro good progress has been made in the area of science and research. Further efforts are necessary to strengthen research and innovation capacity at national level and facilitate integration into the European Research Area. The level of investment in research needs to be further increased in particular from the private sector ...
32% The Erasmus Mundus JoinEUsee > PENTA Project 9. Oct. 2012
... of Bologna, Italy - University of Granada, Spain - University of Maribor, Slovenia Western Balkan Universities: - University of Tirana, Albania-  joint-coordinator - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia - State University of Tetova, FYR of Macedonia - University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Belgrade, Serbia - University of Montenegro, Montenegro - University of Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Novi Sad, Serbia - University of Prishtina, Kosovo* - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Associate partners: - University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, Bosnia and  Herzegovina - IECOB – Europe and the Balkans International Network ...
... France University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy Western Balkan partner institutions: University of Novi Sad - joint coordinating institution, Serbia University of Belgrade, Serbia University of Kragujevac, Serbia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, (FYRO) Macedonia South East European University Tetovo, (FYRO) Macedonia Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, (FYRO) Macedonia University of Montenegro, Montenegro University of Prishtina, Kosovo* University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Tirana, Albania Associates: Fan S. Noli University Korce, Albania King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania Roma Virtual Network, Israel SPARK, The Netherlands University in Mitrovica, Kosovo* University of Niš, Serbia University of Skhodra, Albania More information on ...
85% Montenegro in Focus News 4. Oct. 2012
... said the ruling coalition, which has kept a grip on power in Montenegro since the 1990s, will not be able to govern alone, but will have to seek support from minority groups in parliament, which have won about half a dozen parliamentary seats. Source: Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Guardian In June 2012 Montenegro became the 41st member of EUREKA : an extraordinary step for Montenegrin research, opening new possibilities for the development for the country’s economy.  Also, on June 29, 2012 the accession negotiations with Montenegro started in Brussels. After the European Council has endorsed the decision of the General Affairs Councily ...
... the competitiveness of the national economy, science and education, medicine and health, sustainable development and tourism, agriculture and food production, new materials, products and services, and trade." Source: Eureka In the EUREKA interview Montenegrin Minister of Science Sanja Vlahović, answers a few question about innovation in a young European country - Montenegro, which became the 41st member of EUREKA. The management of EUREKA activities in Montenegro has been assigned directly to the Montenegrin Ministry of Science, demonstrating commitment at the highest level for the young nation to be an integrated and active member of the Network ...
... people and the towns are more important than the economic benefits. Source: BalkanInsight More than 700 EU backed cross-regional projects aimed at helping reconciliation and improving the economy have been conducted in Serbia and neighbouring countries. Serbia is currently cooperating with seven neighbouring countries – Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Croatia- on various issues including ecology, education and agriculture ...
SIGMA Paper No. 48 examines the performance of Western Balkan countries in professionalising their civil service. It assesses the degree to which these countries' civil service systems 'fit' the European principles of administration and it identifies the main drivers of professionalisation. The Paper shows a mixed picture of achievements and persisting weaknesses, and identifies low levels of reform sustainability. Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling
The Student Conference TECHNO-EDUCA 2012:“With entrepreneurial ideas towards better future“ focuses on providing technical assistance to entrepreneurs in the sector of large economic systems, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It aims to help the entrepreneurs overcome the serious falling behind both in terms of technology and economy, that has emerged as the result of more than a decade of absence of propulsive development of metal processing, wood processing and other ...
... Administrative capacity to engage in research with the EU has generally improved. As a small accession country, Montenegro was recommended to become more familiar with the Smart Specialisation Strategy, and to focus efforts on a number of key areas of importance for their economy such as clean technologies and the environment - which is also an important element to encourage tourism on the Adriatic. The visit to the Marine ...
Ministers, State Secretaries, Deputy Ministers and/or their Representatives from Member States of the Central European Initiative, together with High Officials from the European Commission, attended the CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology - held in Trieste (Italy) on September 19, 2012 - under the chairmanship of Mr. Sulima Yevhen, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport on behalf of the CEI Ukrainian Presidency. Please find attached the Final Communiqué ...
This document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011.  For FP7, the number of Associated Countries is as high as never before, with 14, mainly European countries, currently associated, including all of the Western Balkan States. This makes FP7 a true Pan-European programme and strongly underpins the objective of building a wider ERA. Candidate for Accession and Associated Countries constitute a heterogeneous group, which in 2011 accounted for around 8% of the ...
In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and also the results of a survey on the perception of FP7 implementation and simplification by National Contact Points (NCPs). Section 4 presents some of the elements of the Framework Programme which deserve a special focus. Section 5 looks at the ...
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