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... Contact: Anđela Lalović Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo. Email: "Quite often I listen to researchers from universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina complaining that it is practically impossible to win a FP7 project without ...
... Contact: Anđela Lalović Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo. Email: "Quite often I listen to researchers from universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina complaining that it is practically impossible to win a FP7 project without ...
Contact: Doni Blagojevic Project Officer European Forest Institute FOPER II Varaždin, Croatia Email: FOPER PROJECT CORE STAFF Ilpo Tikkanen, Head of Programme, EFI, Policy and Governance Unit, (2004-2012) Tomi Tuomasjukka, EFI, Analyst Team Leader, and FOPER I coordinator (2004-2008) Mari Pitkanen, EFI, FOPER I Project Officer (2004-2008) Prof. Dr. Margaret A. Shannon, Ph.D., EFI, FOPER II Coordinator (2009-2013) Doni Blagojevic, M.Sc., Fac. of Forest. Banja Luka, BIH, ...
Contact: Doni Blagojevic Project Officer European Forest Institute FOPER II Varaždin, Croatia Email: FOPER PROJECT CORE STAFF Ilpo Tikkanen, Head of Programme, EFI, Policy and Governance Unit, (2004-2012) Tomi Tuomasjukka, EFI, Analyst Team Leader, and FOPER I coordinator (2004-2008) Mari Pitkanen, EFI, FOPER I Project Officer (2004-2008) Prof. Dr. Margaret A. Shannon, Ph.D., EFI, FOPER II Coordinator (2009-2013) Doni Blagojevic, M.Sc., Fac. of Forest. Banja Luka, BIH, ...
... lake beauty and medieval town-pearl. No matter that nominally Macedonian, the event was international. Not only that two out of three of total 240 attendants were foreigners from 26 countries, but so were the lecturers (Plenary, Invited and Key-Note). UK, USA, Serbia, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented with one or more lecturers. Besides the 20 oral presentations, some 300 posters were presented, divided into sections such as analytical chemistry, bio-, food- and pharmaceutical chemistry and technology, electrochemistry, environmental chemistry, inorganic chemistry and technology, metallurgy, nanomaterials, organic chemistry, polymers and polymer materials, process engineering, spectroscopy and ...
... lake beauty and medieval town-pearl. No matter that nominally Macedonian, the event was international. Not only that two out of three of total 240 attendants were foreigners from 26 countries, but so were the lecturers (Plenary, Invited and Key-Note). UK, USA, Serbia, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented with one or more lecturers. Besides the 20 oral presentations, some 300 posters were presented, divided into sections such as analytical chemistry, bio-, food- and pharmaceutical chemistry and technology, electrochemistry, environmental chemistry, inorganic chemistry and technology, metallurgy, nanomaterials, organic chemistry, polymers and polymer materials, process engineering, spectroscopy and ...
Key findings: Morocco improved its business regulation the most compared to other global economies, climbing 21 places to 94, by simplifying the construction permitting process, easing the administrative burden of tax compliance, and providing greater protections to minority shareholders. Since 2005, Morocco has implemented 15 business regulatory reforms. Besides Morocco, 11 other economies are recognized as having the most improved ease of doing business across several areas of regulation as ...
48% The Doing Business Report 2013 Document 29. Oct. 2012
... rankings are based on 10 indicators and cover 185 economies. Macedonia ranks 23 out of 185 countries listed in the report for the ease of doing business, followed by Montenegro in 51st place, Croatia in 84th place, Albania in 85th place, Serbia in 86th place and Kosovo* in 98th place. Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 126th place ...
This report holds new information to inspire policy makers and researchers. One finding is that Poland improved the most in the Doing Business measures in 2011/12, while Singapore maintains its top spot in the overall ranking. Another finding is that European economies in fiscal distress are making efforts to improve the business climate, and this is beginning to be reflected in the indicators tracked by Doing Business, with Greece being among the 10 economies that improved the most in the ...
“The objective of the roundtable is to identify and agree upon a set of priority reforms, which will accompany the implementation of WB EDIF, supported by its technical assistance component” stated the representatives of the OECD Investment Compact for Southeast Europe,” OECD is assisting the WB EDIF project partners in identifying these reforms prior to the project launch foreseen for December 2012”. “The discussion raised important issues related to providing funding and high value added ...
In a nutshell, the conclusions from the workshop are as follows: Knowledge transfer is an emerging issue in Western Balkan countries. Of the countries involved in this workshop, Serbia stands out as most developed in terms of research, KT and KT policies. In all Western Balkan countries, KT policies need to be assessed against a particular background as they are young democracies which are still developing their institutions and which have a relatively low priority for research, innovation and ...
47% IFC/PEP Southeast Europe Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
The IFC/PEP Southeast Europe is part of IFC (International Finance Corporation), World Bank Group. The programme operates in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and was formally launched in July 2005. It has been established for an initial period of five years. The Private Enterprise Partnership for Southeast Europe (PEP-SE) is catalysing private sector development from a platform of four operational programmes: ·    ...
... countries, so that the highest level of harmonisation, comparable to the EU Member States, has been achieved by Iceland and Croatia. Source: Europe´s Information Society Thematic Portal This study covers market developments in the electronic communications and information society sectors in the nine enlargement countries of the EU: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYROM, Serbia and Turkey. It furthermore assesses the progress of each country in adopting the EU regulatory framework and aligning national ICT/information society policies with the goals and priorities of the DAE ...
... countries under which EE is one of a large number of activities for which loans can be made. However, in this report the focus is on funds and facilities that have EE as their primary activity. The only guarantee funds identified in the region are provided by USAID/SIDA in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Source: Energy Community The overall objective of this report is to provide information and analyses on the various financial support mechanisms funded by the European Commission (EC), International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and bilateral  donors, to promote energy efficiency in the Western Balkans ...
47% Adriatic - Ionian Initiative, Montenegro Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
... The Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII) was formally established as a political initiative at a conference held in Ancona, Italy in May 2000. Seven countries cooperate within the framework of AII: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia. The aim of AII is to link the coastal countries of the two seas with the purpose of cooperating in the development and safety of the whole area. The issue of environmental protection which is central for the socio-economic development in the subregion ...
... opt in to adapting their education and learning systems to cope with growing competitive pressures" - these were the main conclusions from two day discussions at the International conference Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning at Tertiary Level: University–Industry Interaction, which was held on October 11-12, 2012 in Banja Luka, Republika of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina ...
Main results showed that Knowledge transfer is an emerging issue in Western Balkan countries. Of the countries involved in this workshop, Serbia stands out as most developed in terms of research, KT and KT policies. In all Western Balkan countries, KT policies need to be assessed against a particular background as they are young democracies which are still developing their institutions and which have a relatively low priority for research, innovation and KT. Source: KTS The Knowledge Transfer ...
... and Networking (Haris Muhić, SUSBIH).                    Within the conference, FP7 project WBC-INCO.NET has been presented, in which SUSB&H is a partner together with Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: email by Ognjen Huskić (SUS BiH) The Federal Ministry of Education and Science hosted the first international conference on „European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Synergies with the European Research Area (ERA) Focusing on Mobility“ which was held in Sarajevo on 12 and 13 September 2012. The conference has ...
... Due to the lack of harmonised legislation, different practices continue to be used throughout the country for recognition of diplomas and qualifications in higher education. The process of accreditation of higher education institutions has begun. There was no progress on statistical reporting in education. Despite its previous expression of interest, Bosnia and Herzegovina decided not to participate in the Lifelong learning programme. There was some progress in the area of culture. An action plan to implement Bosnia and Herzegovina’s cultural policy strategy for 2011-2014 was adopted and endorsed by Entity and Cantonal ministries. The ‘Methodology for statistical monitoring of indicators in the ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research In the area of research and innovation policy, Croatia is sufficiently prepared. It has continued to participate successfully in the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) and has taken several measures to reform the national research landscape with a view to further integration into the European Research Area. Measures have been taken also to stimulate innovation and to contribute to the ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Some progress has been made regarding research and innovation policy. Serbia has taken actions to stimulate innovation and strengthen its research infrastructures. However, public investment in research remains at 0.5% of GDP, below the national target, and the number of researchers has not increased. Regarding framework programmes, Serbia’s participation in the 7th EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) ...
In more details, the Analytical Report states: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Good progress has been made in the area of research and innovation policy. The budget for funding research projects at national level has been increased and several measures have been taken to strengthen research and innovation capacity. Preparations in this area are on track. Some progress has been made with regard to research cooperation under the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7). Montenegro ...
In more details, the Analytical report shows: Education, training, research and innovation Kosovo* has a comprehensive medium-term education strategy, encompassing all education sub-sectors. The legislation on higher education is in place and requires higher education institutions (and programmes) to undergo external evaluation by the Kosovo* Accreditation Agency (KAA). A number of programmes do not meet KAA quality standards. On the basis of the law on pre-university education the ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Little progress can be reported on research and innovation policy. The preparations of the national programme for scientific and research activities for 2012-2016 and the strategy on innovation have advanced, but remain to be adopted. The 2012 programmes for scientific research activities, technological development and technical culture were adopted. The budget for these programmes has, however, ...
4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research There has been limited progress in research and innovation policy. The Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation (ARTI) has strengthened its administrative capacity and continued its efforts to promote cooperation on research and innovation under the Seventh EU Framework Programme through its website and awareness-raising activities. No progress was made towards integration into the European Research Area and contribution to the Innovation Union was ...
... are required at national level to strengthen the research and innovation capacity and increase the country’s competitiveness. The level of investment in research remains very low and the human capitalbuilding requires strengthening. Overall, preparations are not very advanced. Little progress can be reported in the field of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some progress was made on research and innovation policy. The country actively promoted cooperation on research and innovation with the EU, resulting in a slight increase in the number of submissions under the Seventh EU research Framework Programme (FP7). The overall success rate is nevertheless low. Further steps were taken ...
48% The Erasmus Mundus JoinEUsee > PENTA Project 9. Oct. 2012
... Tilburg University, The Netherlands - University of Antwerp, Belgium - University of Bologna, Italy - University of Granada, Spain - University of Maribor, Slovenia Western Balkan Universities: - University of Tirana, Albania-  joint-coordinator - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia - State University of Tetova, FYR of Macedonia - University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Belgrade, Serbia - University of Montenegro, Montenegro - University of Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Novi Sad, Serbia - University of Prishtina, Kosovo* - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Associate partners: - University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, Bosnia and  Herzegovina - IECOB – Europe and the Balkans International Network, Italy - Ministry of Education and Sport, Albania - Ministry of Education, Montenegro - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kosovo* - Open Society Foundation for Albania - Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Vojvodina, Serbia - University of Zadar, Croatia Source: JoinEU-SEE JoinEUsee > PENTA JoinEUsee > ...
Basileus IV - Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalisation of Learning in cooperation with EU universities is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project and is funded by the European Commission.  The project consortium consists of 9 EU universities and 10 universities in the Western Balkans. Basileus IV provides funding for academic mobility from: any Western Balkan institution to one of the EU partner universities  one of the EU partner universities to one of the ...
... ensure regular updates on progress within the project and its transparent implementation. The ultimate milestone of WP1 is successful realization of the project and its activities recognized by the positive final review by the EC. Read also about the success story "Winning FP7 project: Mission possible! Successful project application from Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a fairy tale" at success story "Winning FP7 project: Mission possible! Successful project application from Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a fairy tale" at SERSCIDA is designed as a strategic project for supporting the cooperation and exchange of knowledge between the EU ...
... are created among people and the towns are more important than the economic benefits. Source: BalkanInsight More than 700 EU backed cross-regional projects aimed at helping reconciliation and improving the economy have been conducted in Serbia and neighbouring countries. Serbia is currently cooperating with seven neighbouring countries – Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Croatia- on various issues including ecology, education and agriculture ...
The Student Conference TECHNO-EDUCA 2012:“With entrepreneurial ideas towards better future“ focuses on providing technical assistance to entrepreneurs in the sector of large economic systems, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It aims to help the entrepreneurs overcome the serious falling behind both in terms of technology and economy, that has emerged as the result of more than a decade of absence of propulsive development of metal processing, wood processing and other ...
SIGMA Paper No. 48 examines the performance of Western Balkan countries in professionalising their civil service. It assesses the degree to which these countries' civil service systems 'fit' the European principles of administration and it identifies the main drivers of professionalisation. The Paper shows a mixed picture of achievements and persisting weaknesses, and identifies low levels of reform sustainability. Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling
Ministers, State Secretaries, Deputy Ministers and/or their Representatives from Member States of the Central European Initiative, together with High Officials from the European Commission, attended the CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology - held in Trieste (Italy) on September 19, 2012 - under the chairmanship of Mr. Sulima Yevhen, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport on behalf of the CEI Ukrainian Presidency. Please find attached the Final Communiqué ...
This document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011.  For FP7, the number of Associated Countries is as high as never before, with 14, mainly European countries, currently associated, including all of the Western Balkan States. This makes FP7 a true Pan-European programme and strongly underpins the objective of building a wider ERA. Candidate for Accession and Associated Countries constitute a heterogeneous group, which in 2011 accounted for around 8% of the ...
In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and also the results of a survey on the perception of FP7 implementation and simplification by National Contact Points (NCPs). Section 4 presents some of the elements of the Framework Programme which deserve a special focus. Section 5 looks at the ...
This booklet includes information about Western Balkans -  Coordination and support actions: - SEE-ERA.NET PLUS -  Further integrating key research institutions from south-east Europe into the European research area  - WBC-INCO.NET - Coordination of research policies with the western Balkan countries. Both projects are coordinated by ZSI (Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Austria). Source: Publication Projects in ...
The activities in the funded projects shall enable researchers from Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan region to work together on mutually beneficial science driven projects and empower especially young researchers in Kosovo to cooperate within international projects. The total funding available for this call for proposals is 180.000 Euro. Funding is foreseen for a maximum duration of 15 months and the max. funding per project is €15.000. The allowable funding per project must be justified ...
... The event is being co-organised by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education (dvv international) – Head Office for SEE. Source: Regional conference ‘Lifelong Learning and Non-formal Adult Education in South East Europe’, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: October 3 - 5, 2012 The aim of the conference is to strengthen the social partnership for the further development of the adult education sector in South East Europe (SEE). The event will support implementation of European and international goals for lifelong learning and adult education in the region through exchange ...
... The goal of the Conference will be creating entrepreneurial mindset at the university level, integrating developing entrepreneurial skills into study programmes and teacher training in entrepreneurial learning. Source: Bosnia and Herzegovina is co-chairing the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) in the period of 1 July to 31 December 2012. With regard to this, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Srpska is hosting the Conference ´´Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning at Tertiary Level: University-Industry Interaction´´, under the patronage of the President of ...
... for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, emphasized that although BiH is a country with a lot of migration flows, so far there has not been many research on this subject and she expressed her belief that this workshop represents an opportunity to learn more about the migration from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final common session was devoted to the discussion about the possibilities for this workshop to become the initial phase of the research program and focused dialogue that will continue to integrate the various researches on migration, and discussion about the role of institutions in BiH as well as the ...
... etc all organised in an interactive way and allowing a direct contact between researchers and participants. Some purely festive activities are also planned. Awareness raising and RNBL12 preparatory activities will be undertaken 5 months before Researchers Night with additional 1 month to analyse impact assessment. For the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, RNBL’12 will gather researchers and the public for one night under the slogan “Science is Magic”, and create a “science show” addressing all age groups of the general public, demonstrating that science and research can be exciting, interactive and fun. Planned activities include presentations of local and international researchers ...
... Eligible applicants are scientists affiliated with academic or research insititutions from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. In total, around 4,6 Million CPU core hours and 1.8 Million GPU Core hours will be available for the selected scientific projects. The number of cores available in the HPC systems range from 256 to 4096 for the CPU based systems, and from ...
... shall deal with the topic of European economic integration.  The review process shall, above all, assess the quality and originality of the work.  Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries:Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine. Proof of date of birth and citizenship must be provided upon application; authors shall also include a brief CV. In the case of coauthored work, each ...
The report focuses on three types of scholarly sources: (a) more general studies on European integration and Europeanization of public policy, predominantly belonging to comparative politics, policy analysis and international relations, (b) studies on European integration and Europeanization in higher education and (c) studies mapping higher education policy developments since the end of 90s and early 2010s until present day in the countries under study. The report, among other things, ...
The report focuses on three types of scholarly sources: (a) more general studies on European integration and Europeanization of public policy, predominantly belonging to comparative politics, policy analysis and international relations, (b) studies on European integration and Europeanization in higher education and (c) studies mapping higher education policy developments since the end of 90s and early 2010s until present day in the countries under study. The report, among other things, ...
48% WIPO: 2012 IP Facts and Figures Document 30. Aug. 2012
The World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) has published the 2012 IP Facts and Figures. This publication includes data on patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs and it is focused on application data only. The guide is therefore an important source of information on the global trends of intellectual property activity.
Published by DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology), the new name for the former DG INFSO, the report presents a comprehensive view of the DG´s monitoring activities, reviewing not only the FP7 ICT theme, but also the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme´s ICT Policy Support Programme. For the FP7 ICT portfolio the report draws comparison with FP6 or with data under StReAM 2010 when relevant. The findings are wide-ranging and show that under FP7 ICT projects and ...
... establishment of scientific excellence in the nine key domains: Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences Food and Agriculture Forests, their Products and Services Materials, Physics and Nanosciences Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies Earth System Science and Environmental Management Information and Communication Technologies Transport and Urban Development Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia belong to the 36 COST countries that govern the initiative and participate also ib the COST actions. To illustrate, in 2012 approved calls Serbia participates in the action "An Integrated European Platform for Pancreas Cancer Research: From Basic Science to Clinical and Public Health ...
... and conversion plants at interregional levels. Ultimately, the most promising logistic supply-chains at local, regional and pan-European levels will be further elaborated into a set of implementation plans. These plans should present notably the infrastructures needed, transport modes and flows of feedstock. The South East European and East Neighbourhood countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine) shall be considered as part of this Pan-European approach. Appropriate links will be made with relevant programmes and actions, notably in the context of the EU Agricultural, Environmental, Regional, Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies. Once validated, most ...
... This Austrian programme offers professors and assistants of public universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and FYR of Macedonia the possibility to spend one month at an Austrian university for a research visit provided an Austrian university institution is ready to ensure the supervision. Important Documents & Links see Questions and Answers Statement of ...
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