... Discourses 2) Media, Political and Social Discourses 3) New Social Disparities/Social and Economic Change 4) States, Networks and Informality 5) Migration, Diasporas and Remittances Papers to be presented can handle topics within the region in general or deal with the processes of change in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. All interested candidates should submit a single PDF file containing a short Curriculum Vitae (max. 1 page), an abstract of the proposed conference paper (max. 300 words) and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) by 19 January 2013 at the latest to delia.imboden@unifr ...
The Governments in BiH has put in place a range of measures aimed at training enough researchers to meet its R&D targets and at promoting attractive employment conditions in public research institutions. Source: EURAXESS The 2012 Researchers Report prepared by Deloitte Consulting for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation looks at the extent to which those prerequisites are already met, since a full understanding of the researcher profession in its ...
Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by analysing their involvement in a number of existing ERA instruments, using a taxonomy of stakeholder roles and functions. The report has been written as part of the FP7 project Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA). ...
This report constitutes a formal deliverable, namely D6.1 “Outline of ERA elements and stakeholders”, of Work Package 6 “Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategy” of the VERA Project (Forward Visions on the European Research Area). The main objectives of this project are both to provide relevant strategic knowledge for the governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe, and to set up a strategic conversation across the ...
In the context of an economic downturn and the growing flexibilisation of the economy, qualification pro-cesses are also influenced by demographic pressures, including migration and the problem of the social inclusiveness of the deprivileged population which increasingly embraces young people. In this context, European policy developments in the area of VET in Europe1 address the following four main categories: 1. Curricular developments. 2. Stakeholders’ positioning and functions. 3. ...
These projects cover the entire range of FP7’s Security theme, including advanced research into the societal dimension of security, protection of citizens against chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) materials or man-made and natural events, critical infrastructure protection, crisis management capabilities, intelligent maritime and land border surveillance, prestandardisation and the interoperability of systems. Source: EC Enterprise and Industry Discover the 2012 ...
Background At the end of October 2012 we have published the 100th issue of the e-newsletter of the Western Balkan countries INCO-NET. This was also a good opportunity to look back and think about developments achieved so far in the region in the fields of S&T and Innovation. Thus, we have issued ...
... The Partners for Acquis Compliance and Energy Efficiency (PACE) project aims at facilitating the EU integration process of business communities in the six Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). PACE offers companies a unique opportunity to benefit from a so-called EU acquis audit, analysing their compliance with EU legislation in selected areas. Western Balkan enterprises can also undergo an energy efficiency pre-check, carried out by their local chambers of commerce, monitoring their energy consumption and identifying ...
Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Cyprus) and a country from the region (for this meeting: Serbia). Please find the presentations attached below. Please see also the link to the progress reports and conclusions of the Steering Platform Meeting. The 13th Steering Platform on ...
University and government economists, business experts and researchers are invited to submit abstracts. Potential papers should address any of the following, or related topics: Theory of economic integration Trade liberalization and regional cooperation Challenges of the EU enlargement EU enlargements in business perspective Integration policies: case studies Changing global competitive environment – theory and practices Legal environment of the EU Western Balkans; trade, cooperation and EU ...
The Strategy will identify priorities, recommend policy and institutional reforms and be accompanied by an action plan detailing initiatives to be implemented at the supra-national level. It is expected to be presented in 2013 and serve as a framework for a collective effort to promote the Western Balkans’ most urgent priority: increasing innovation, growth and prosperity. Expected results Larger number of scientific publications in high impact journals. Enhance collaboration between ...
Attached please find the WBC-INCO.NET brochure (last updated October 2012).
... together with Bosnian Minister of Civil Affairs, Mr Sredoje Novic, chaired the encounter. Four SEE Ministers of Science and Education from the countries of Croatia, Republic of Montenegro, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Srpska as well as the Deputy Minister from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the State Secretary from the Republic of Serbia took the floor. Senior Ministerial advisors and high level dignitaries representing Albania, Romania and Bulgaria as well as the Ambassadors from Greece and Turkey also spoke. Representatives from other European countries such as Austria, Italy and Switzerland as well as European ...
... together with Bosnian Minister of Civil Affairs, Mr Sredoje Novic, chaired the encounter. Four SEE Ministers of Science and Education from the countries of Croatia, Republic of Montenegro, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Srpska as well as the Deputy Minister from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the State Secretary from the Republic of Serbia took the floor. Senior Ministerial advisors and high level dignitaries representing Albania, Romania and Bulgaria as well as the Ambassadors from Greece and Turkey also spoke. Representatives from other European countries such as Austria, Italy and Switzerland as well as European ...
... of Macedonia Official language: English Eligible participants: Doctoral students The awarded three papers can be published in the UKLO Journal “Horizonti”. Scientific board Massimo Bianchi (UNIBO), Italy Joaquim Verges (UAB), Spain Stephane Ngo-Mai (UNICE), France Donika Kercini (AUT), Albania Fatmir Memaj (UT), Albania Avdulla Hoti (Dardania), Kosovo Nada Sekulovska (UKIM), Macedonia Miroljub Shukarov (SEEU), Macedonia Marika Basheska-Gjorgieska (UKLO), Macedonia Organizing committee Marika Basheska-Gjorgieska (UKLO), Macedonia Dimitar Nikoloski (UKLO), Macedonia Marjan Angeleski (UKLO), Macedonia Olivera Kostoska (UKLO), Macedonia Tanja Micalevska (UKLO) Macedonia Registration fee: 30 EUR Contact e-mail: conference2013@eccfp.edu.mk Important dates: Deadline for abstract submission: February 18, 2013 Notification of acceptance: March 4, 2013 Deadline for paper submission: April 22, 2013 Conference date: May 18, 2013 More information is available here. Source: email by Dimitar Nikoloski, PhD, Head of ...
The EDIF will also work closely with Western Balkan governments to build policy maker capacity in successfully designing and implementing policy reforms for IHGSMEs. The OECD Investment Compact has led the preparatory work for this pillar by identifying country-specific reforms that will enhance the regulatory framework for high-potential firms and foster the development of venture capital financing in the region. This reform prioritisation work, which started in March 2012, involved a review ...
... used as well for daily coordination of joint operations. http://www.frontex.europa.eu Western Balkans Annual Risk Analysis (WB-ARA) 2012 has been prepared by the Frontex Risk Analysis Unit (RAU) in cooperation with the competent border-control authorities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The joint analytical activity is an integral part of the Frontex-led Western Balkan Risk Analysis Network (WB-RAN) in which all the mentioned Western Balkan countries actively participate ...
These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Belgrade on December 6, 2012. On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. The previous reports can be accessed at http://wbc-inco.net/object/document/10054, ...
This Deliverable follows-up on Deliverables D2.10 and D2.12 (including update) reporting on the thematic priorities defined in the first and second phases of the identification and consultation process from 2008 – 2011 (ICT, AgroFood, Health, Transport, Environment, Transport II and Social Sciences and Humanities). It gives the regional research priorities in the field of Energy for the Western Balkan countries. Thus, D2.43 provides the results of the consultation process in the field of ...
Contact: Bratislav Stoiljković, MBA, Chief Commercial Officer Email: bratislav.stoiljkovic@cimgrupa.eu "The ReFLEX Story started in 2009 when the idea arose to prepare an R&D project proposal which will focus on small and medium-sized enterprises by providing a business process management solution suitable for their specific needs, aiming at turning them into flexible, agile and responsive-to-changes entities. The project idea was based on the identified common problems of SMEs, dominantly ...