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... of the policies and decision making process related to research work, of the institutions conducting and supporting research in social sciences and it gives an overview of the status of the research at the national level. Gender Alliance for Development Centre: The Assessment of Research Capacities in Social Sciences in Albania, March 2010. RRPP
This report has been organized by the Human Rights Center of the University of Sarajevo for the University of Freiburg (UF) as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Report provides a survey into the current state of research capacities and research funding opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It reviews research capacities of selected state and private higher education ...
The report provides an analysis of the current situation and policies regarding research in social sciences in Kosovo, public institutions involved in research and that support research activities, main research institutes that conduct research and key financial sources that finance research activities in Kosovo. The scientific and research activity in Kosovo is mainly organized within public and private institutions (universities, independent research institutes, think-tanks, NGO’s, and ...
Pursuant to the Law No. 2004/42 on Scientific Research Activity, the Research Programme should aim - among other things - to work upon identified research priorities, to establish provisions for infrastructural investments, to enhance participation in international scientific research projects and to elaborate a systematic education programme for researchers. The Research Programme should be approved for a period of five years by the Kosovo Assembly which also has to provide the funds for the ...
At the moment, the following bilateral cooperation agreements are in force between public universities in Austria and WBC universities (44 in total):  Austria - Albania (4 agreements): University of Klagenfurt (1 agreement) Karl-Franzens University Graz (3) Austria - Bosnia-Hercegovina (6 agreements): Medical University Vienna (1) Vienna University of Economics and Business (2) Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck (1) Karl-Franzens University Graz (1) Technical University Graz (1) Austria - Croatia (19 agreements): Medical University Vienna (1) University of Natural Resources ...
... carried out by post (if any of the necessary documents can not be scanned, they must be sent by post or by fax), an announcement of the application by email until latest 30th of May 2010 is indispensable! See also: For students of Universities in Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, who are presently enrolled in a Master- or PhD-Programme in the field of History, philology or political sciences. Deadline: May 30, 2010 ...
The Report provides an overview of the main institutions involved in the field of social sciences in Serbia, as well as an analysis of difficulties and challenges for scientific research. The findings show that younger researchers are especially affected by the unsatisfactory situation in this field, having few opportunities for career advancement in their home country. Furthermore, although researchers and institutions are eligible for applying for the extensive EU FP7 funds, many institutes ...
... of English is advantageous Contact: Application materials, as well as questions, should be directed to: Adela Halo,  Albanian Institute for International Studies Tel: +355 4 2248 853, Fax: +355 4 2270 337 The European Academy is organised with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Embassy of Spain in Albania. From: 10 May 2010 To: 14 May 2010 Based on the success of the first edition of European Academy in 2009, the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) is organising the second session of the European Academy 2010 to take place from May 10 to 14 2010 in Tirana, Albania ...
... colleagues from the region and beyond (especially current PhD projects and/or research results) that can be related to the topic: "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans". • The papers to be presented can deal with the region in general or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular. • For more information about the RRPP current research projects, please go to the RRPP Web site. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops ...
... out research or development in the ICT area who has forward looking research ideas. These could be researchers or developers from research institutions, NGOs, administrations or companies based in the WBC. Research ideas could eventually be turned into project proposals to be financed by FP7/ICT. Ideas are expected from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK 1244/99, Montenegro and Serbia. Awards: The six best ideas will be awarded participation to the ICT 2010 event in Brussels. In addition the winners will receive support to write a proposal or be included in a proposal to ...
32% EUNACAL Institute Organisation 5. Apr. 2010
EUNACAL is an independent public policy research institute dedicated to promote good governance and deliberative democracy in Albania by focusing on public policy making in three levels of governance (european, national & local - EUNACAL ). The main policy areas EUNACAL operates are: Good Governance & Anti-corruption EU enlargement Information Society Environment & Development Education, Youth and Training Employment and Social Affairs Decentralization and Regional Cooperation To better serve its mission EUNACAL carries ...
Eligibility: GSGP is available to citizens of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Please note that this is a supplementary program and is not intended for full funding. Applicants must be able to demonstrate ...
... of the international community to the conference has been positive. EU Enlargement Commissioner visits Balkans Štefan FÜLE , European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy is paying an official visit to the Western Balkans region this week (March 17 to 19), visiting Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. Before his departure Commissioner Füle stated: ''I want to firmly anchor the Western Balkans region in the European perspective. But each country will be judged on its own merits, according to the membership criteria. I will discuss with my interlocutors in these countries which are the best ways in which ...
Trends 2010 is the latest in a report series contributing to the discussions in the Bologna Process. Trends reports are generally timed with the biannual ministerial meetings and track progress of Bologna implementation, within a two-year timescale. Trends 2010 is different. The report has been timed to coincide with the launch of the European Higher Education Area in March 2010 and has a much larger scope both in its focus and longitudinal aspect. Not only does the report examine the ...
This event will be used as an opportunity to present the main result of the LDP Kosovo Joint Activity, “How can the EU do better?” publication. This presentation is a result of three months long research and interviews conducted with experts and civil society representatives in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Kosovo. The publication is offering inputs and suggestions how can the EU do better in the Balkans. After official presentation this publication will be widely distributed among the stakeholders in the region and EU. LDP Fellows hereby invite all interested students, academics, representatives from the ...
On this page you will find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports will be provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Belgrade on June 24, 2010. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available yet because further reports ...
... Grants have been given for one year and are extendable to two years based on an evaluation of the first year and a list of propositions for promotion activities for the second year. The following universities are currently supported by this programme: ALBANIA: Polytechnic University of Tirana; Fan S. Noli University BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: University of Sarajevo FYR OF MACEDONIA: South East European University - Office of International Relations; University Goce Delcev Stip MONTENEGRO: University of Montenegro SERBIA: University of Belgrade; University of Novi Sad; University of Kragujevac Click here to read more about their activities ...
31% LOGIC PLUS Organisation 4. Mar. 2010
Logic Plus is one of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244)’s leading consultancy firms, providing advisory and training services in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Albania, the FRY of Macedonia and the region. Our successful track record includes work for a wide range of ex-Provisional Institutions of Self Government (PISG) and current Kosovo Institutions including government Ministries, all 30 (thirty) Municipalities of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), NGO’s and UN bodies. Logic Plus’s core competencies ...
Depending on the nature of their research projects, candidates can choose among the following host institutes and laboratories: International Centre for Theoretical Physics ABDUS SALAM (ICTP);   International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA); Synchrotron ELETTRA;   Cluster in Biomedicine (CBM); International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB).  Complete applications must be sent via e-mail to the following address: by 31 May ...
To be eligible, departments must be at universities in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, or Ukraine. An ideal AFP partner department is part of a classical state university and is in one of the following disciplines: anthropology, area/cultural ...
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