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48% Final report of the project UnivSOE Document 24. Mar. 2009
The final report developed by the University Graz on its project "UnivSOE" covers "Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe - Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area". The final report is published by Wolfgang MANTL / Joseph MARKO / Hedwig KOPETZ. Mantl, W., Marko, J., Kopetz, H.: Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central ...
48% First FP7 Monitoring Report Document 24. Mar. 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This first FP7 Monitoring Report covers the year 2007 and is the first one based on a completely new approach: While in FP6 and previous Framework Programmes monitoring had been implemented through annual panels of independent experts which selected specific areas of FP implementation and performance to analyse and report on, the FP7 monitoring system is designed as an internal management tool, based on a coherent system of indicators. The present is thus intended to be a ...
... the western Balkans countries in implementing reforms, the European Commission should work to ensure that visa benchmark requirements are implemented and promote mutual security, and do not impose unnecessary burdens. The EC should also agree during the Czech EU Presidency a clear timeline for visa liberalisation for each country - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Enlargement serves the European Union's strategic interest in stability, security, and conflict prevention. It has helped to increase prosperity and growth opportunities, and to enhance the EU's weight in the world. In the light of recent challenges to stability to the east of the EU, the ...
"The financial and economic crisis that came to light late in 2008 is the kind of extreme development that calls for one essential quality when seeking solutions: creativity. We need creativity to find the best answers. But creativity is not only useful in crisis situations, of course. Creativity and innovative capacity have crucial long-term benefits for the economy, society, enterprises as well as individuals. Innovation and creativity are fundamental pillars for sustainable economic and ...
Proposals are invited from economists and other social scientists. For the competition, the following priority area of research has been identified: Inequality and Public Policy For a more detailed description of the research area, please download the wiiw GDN-SEE project proposal at: For further information, please have a look at the attachment. If you have any questions, please contact:   ...
47% FP7 project FOCUS BALKANS started News 5. Mar. 2009
Trainings on state of the art methodologies, practical techniques and theories in Food Consumer Sciences will be organized targeting a wide range of organizations from the public and private sectors, NGOs and consumer associations. National meetings in each of the Western Balkan Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia) with stakeholders active in Food Consumption related fields will take place twice a year. Four market and consumer studies (on products with positive nutritional properties – fruits and health food – and sustainability (organic and traditional food products) will measure the drivers and ...
48% D3.18 Report on Barriers to Cooperation Document 4. Mar. 2009
Executive summary The main task of this research was to identify the barriers which inhibit researchers from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBC&T) from international R&D cooperation in order to provide policy makers with the analytical backgrounds to create policy measures for facilitating research cooperation. This is the first study focused on identification of the factors which hamper the cooperation of WBC&T in the two types of collaborative projects: /1/ European ...
... term must be completed between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010. Robert Bosch Fellows will be members of the international and multidisciplinary scholarly community at the IWM. They are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. 2) Eligibility The IWM is accepting applications from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo/UN Resolution, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. Applications are accepted from researchers who ■ are citizens or permanently reside in one of the abovementioned countries, ■ or are affiliated to a university or research institution in the region, ■ or (independent of the applicant’s country ...
48% 6th Steering Platform Meeting Event 18. Feb. 2009
Please find below the presentations held and the agenda. The 6th Steering Platform Meeting took place in Liblice, CZ. Co-Chairs: Albania Czech Republic European Commission Libelice
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