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 As part of WBC-INCO.NETs Work Package (WP) 8 on Innovation support, the underlying task of this report is to collect good practice examples of innovation activities that can be adapted to the region of the Western Balkan countries or to some individual countries of the region. This deliverable presents a collection of good practice examples of programmes, instruments and measures aiming at supporting innovation activities. The examples are presented in two parts: the first part (Chapter ...
... fundamental rights and the continued support to the fight against organised crime and corruption. Details per country:  Country Amount in EUR Main sectors financed Albania 82,000,000.00 Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights, public administration reform, transport, environment and climate change, social development, agriculture and rural development Bosnia and Herzegovina 91,280,000.00 Public administration reform, justice and home affairs, private sector development, transport, environment and climate change, social development Croatia 39,159,128.00 General administrative strengthening relevant to the post–accession period, with a particular focus on the justice, home affairs and fundamental rights sector fYRoM ...
... new  IPA,  together  with  an  assessment  of  the  impact  of alternative scenarios for the instrument.  Currently, the EU is dealing with 5 candidate countries (Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey) and 4 potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99). By 2014, only  Croatia  is  foreseen  to  become  a  Member  State.  Socio-economic  indicators  show  that, with the exception of Iceland, enlargement countries are still well below the EU average ...
... is available in the FAQs. Source: The Western Balkan countries rank as follows among the 183 countries assessed:   country - rank - score (maximum score =10) Croatia 66 4.0 Montenegro 66 4.0 FYR Macedonia 69 3.9 Serbia 86 3.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 91 3.2 Albania 95 3.1 Kosovo UNSCR 1244 112 2.9       Transparency International
... new  IPA,  together  with  an  assessment  of  the  impact  of alternative scenarios for the instrument.  Currently, the EU is dealing with 5 candidate countries (Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey) and 4 potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99). By 2014, only  Croatia  is  foreseen  to  become  a  Member  State.  Socio-economic  indicators  show  that, with the exception of Iceland, enlargement countries are still well below the EU average ...
A booklet called „Structuring inter-regional co-operation, international co-operation, INCO-NET projects‟ outlines the activities of all INCO-NET projects which have been selected for FP7 funding in 2006, 2009 and 2010. INCO-NET projects cover different regions of the world and aim to establish co-ordination platforms by bringing together a range of stakeholders in the EU and relevant third countries. Other objectives include implementing awareness and dissemination activities, strategic ...
An updated list of all RTD Association and Co-operation Agreements has been published in table format, providing information such as the dates when agreements were signed, when they entered into force, and last and next renewal dates. The information covers a number of different types of agreements in the field of RTD, including countries associated with FP7, countries with EU International Agreements on Science and Technology (S&T) and countries with Euratom International Agreements. For ...
99% News from Bosnia and Herzegovina News 6. Dec. 2011
... in Mostar. The aim of the INTERA foundation is to support innovativeness in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), to strengthen the links between academia (two public universities are located in the area) and the business sector and to support initiatives that contribute to the development of economy, culture and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The government of the HNC promised to support the work of INTERA in the future.   Women’s Inventors Association “NOVA” in BiH  In cooperation with the Association of European Innovators (AEI) and the Pan-European University APERION Banja Luka, the Women’s Inventors Association &ldquo ...
Identifying a common ground for collaboration at the regional level should be the first immediate goal. This means identifying not only the problems that are common to the countries in the region, but also those which are worth being addressed at regional level and can benefit from a regional approach. The ultimate goal is to help countries mainstream R&D and innovation policies in their development processes. Given the scope of the existing collaboration between the EU and the ...
... Commission and the Danish presidency. We will keep you updated!  --> The powerpoint presentations are available from the related event entry, see link below. The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries was held on December 1, 2011 in Sarajevo, BiH, co-chaired by the Polish Council Presidency, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Commission. Please find a short event review here and the operational conclusions attached ...
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