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... the Joint Statement adopted at the Ministerial Conference, which will be in charge of Strategy production. The event aims to gather experts from ministries of science and research of the RCC members from South East Europe (SEE), including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and UNMIK/Kosovo, members of scientific institutions from the region, and representatives of relevant international organisations and stakeholders. Project coordinator Elke Dall of the Centre for Social Innovation participates on behalf of WBC-INCO.NET. The Regional Strategy for Research and Development for the Western Balkans aims to increase knowledge transfer ...
37% SEE-ERA.NET Comparative Summary Report Document 27. Aug. 2009
The present report deals with structures and procedures of existing national S&T programmes targeting SEE and contains a SWOT analysis of bilateral S&T co-operation programmes with South-Eastern Europe. The conclusions of the comparative analysis can be summarised as follows: ➤ All of the SEE-ERA.NET countries aim to increase their own competitiveness, but the R&D expenditure – except for Austria, France and Germany – is far lower especially compared to the Barcelona ...
The present White paper offers strategic recommendations for further activities of the SEE-ERA. NET consortium together with other major stakeholders throughout Europe. In a separate paper, the Joint Action Plan, concrete implementation scenarios for these activities are provided. Building on each other’s strengths and common interests and acknowledging recent challenges faced by the integration process, the authors deal on the one hand with the national and transnational framework for ...
In August 2007, the “White Paper on overlaps, gaps and opportunities in view of the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches” and its accompanying Joint Action Plan were finalised as SEE-ERA.NET deliverables. Since then, the White Paper has been widely distributed. Some of the proposed actions of the Joint Action Plan already have been implemented (e.g. in the framework of the WBC-INCO.NET project), some just started, and some remain ...
The present study by SEE-ERA:NET WP6 leader Anca Ghinescu and her colleague Lucia Popescu deals with the mobility needs and career development opportunities of scientists in South East Europe and presents a numbre of European and national initiatives concerning the mobility needs and career development opportunities in South East Europe. Anca Ghinescu/Lucia Popescu (Eds. on behalf of the SEE-ERA.NET consortium): Study on the Mobility needs and career development opportunities in South East ...
"The deliverable D.6.1 “Report on the outcome of the mobility conference for Young Scientists with relevant stakeholders in SEE and EU” is one of the results of WP6: Implementation of a SEE-ERA.NET Regional Programme for Cooperation with South-East Europe (ReP-SEE). The main purpose of the work package is to develop a ReP-SEE and in particular, following the previous activities, to develop a specific programme targeting the young scientists and the development of their carrier ...
The registration dates vary depending on the country: August 10 - 24 for trainees from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, August 25 - September 7 for Albania, and dates starting from Mid-September for the other Western Balkan countries (to be announced on the CBIB website). Each training session will last two or three days, depending on the previous knowledge and experience of the applicants, and will cover the main steps in ...
... they can also find potential partners from the EUREKA countries that are already registered. On the basis of this database, organisations can express their interest to participate in a project by presenting their organisation, their skills and added value to it. EUREKA in the WBC Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are members of EUREKA ; furthermore EUREKA NIPs exist in Albania and Bosnia-Hercegovina. For further information, please contact Go to the database. EUREKA has a new database available for researchers in the fields of automation, lasers, materials, robotics and production technologies. This database serves ...
... Institute and State University, University of Atlanta, University of Colorado, University of Georgia, University of Oklahoma, Cornell University-in USA; Polytechnic National Institute of Nancy, CIHEAM-IAM-Montpellier- in France; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Patras University-in Greece; Agricultural University of Plovdiv-in Bulgaria; University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola-in Macedonia; and University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest-in Rumania. Through this cooperation, AUT aims its integration into European System 3+2 (Bachelor and Master), diploma recognition and equalization, intensification of cooperation for undertaking joint scientific research projects and large scale exchange of academic staff, students and administrative staff, organization ...
... in This Call: Activity/ Area Topics called Funding Schemes REGPOT-2010-1. Unlocking and developing the research potential of research entities in the EU´s convergence regions and outermost regions Any research topic covered by the EC FP7 CSA-SA (Support Action) All regions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are eligible for participation.     More details on the call: Particular requirements for participation: The projects must be proposed by a single public or private research entity of significant size such as University Departments, Faculties, specialised Research Institutes or important size research laboratories with at ...
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