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This is a yearly review of Patent Cooperation Treaty conducted by World Intellectual Property Organization. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system offers inventors and industry a simplified and cost-effective route for obtaining patent protection internationally. This report presents the results ofoperations under the PCT in 2004, the year in which the PCT celebrated the receipt of its one millionth application. In the beginning all contract states are named. Then it presents statistics on ...
37% Bosnia and Herzegovina: ICT Sector Profile Document 23. May. 2007
This is a paper conducted by FIPA (Foreign Investments Promotion Agency). It tries to promote investment in BIH by presenting opportunities and foundations for ICT investments. Among others, macroeconomics foundations for ICT investments are presented, some statistics and the comparison to other Balkan countries are given. It also presents privatisation opportunities in BIH, especially in the telecommunication sector. Foreign Investments Promotion Agency (2005): Bosnia and Herzegovina: ICT ...
The document deals with "EU – Balkan Countries Cooperation in Science and Technology". It states that the five states of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and F.Y.R. of Macedonia are in the process of coming out of the political and ecomomic instability experienced because of previous crisis situations. It promotes cooperation based on on mutualunderstanding and in the perspective of full participation of the Balkan region in the European Research Area (ERA) and therefore the European RTD activities and ...
This is a report of a UNESO-ROSTE EXPERT MISSION. In this Report, after a brief introduction describing the present situation of the country ten years after the signature of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the conclusions concerning the present situation of the scientific potential of the country and the role of the various institutions, as well as propose objectives and guidelines for a future national science and technology policy are presented. Document strongly recommends that the drafting of ...
This is a paper presented by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. In the beginning it explains the reasons why a national strategy for information society is needed. Then it sets the objectives, goals and targets. It also presents institutional and legislative framework for information society development. Information infrastructure, e-government, e-education, e-health, e-business and e-banking are further topics covered by the report. In the end, it also presents the development of ICT ...
... in COBISS.Net project, to bring other countries, like Albania, Bulgaria etc, that are not yet member states to participate in it, etc). It also tries to explain the long-time benefits of this project. Furthermore, it presents the results of the phase 1 in different countries and regions: Slovenia, BIH, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria. COBISS (2006): Project COBISS.Net - Phase II, Supporting Knowledge and Intercultural Dialogue. Available from:, accessed 17.10.2006. COBISS
... supported by all political entities by a consensus, in order to provide for the implementation of all designed programmes, projects and initiatives to move towards the Information Society. At the same time, this document contributes towards linking the activities in the area of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in Macedonia with the programmes, projects and the structural funds of the EU. This document provides for efficient implementation and usage of the ICT in all entities in the Republic of Macedonia, which will provide an incentive for the competitiveness of the Macedonian economy, transparency and efficiency in the operation of the ...
This is an reprot on science and research in the FYR Macedonia prepared by dr. Viktor Stefov, President of the Council for Science and Research; Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Macedonia for a UNESCO conference held in Ljubljana in 2006. The report states that The Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia is responsible for the science policy ...
This is a programme of the Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for period 2006-2013. It is written in Macedonian language. It sets the basic goals of the Macedonian Government for this period. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia, (2006): Programme for the period 2006-2013. Available from:, accessed 23.02 ...
This is the 2006 Progress Report for Macedonia by the European Commission. The report briefly describes the relations between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Union; analyses the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in terms of the political criteria for membership; analyses the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the basis of the economic criteria for membership; reviews former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's capacity to assume the obligations of membership, that is, the acquis expressed in the Treaties, the secondary ...
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