The overview reports describe existing legal frameworks, policies in place as well as legislative developments and provide main statistical data. Find below all reports and those belonging to the DR specifically marked. Below find the reports of the Western Balkans Countries: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo* Montenegro Serbia Source and further information: EACEA The document was drafted by National Erasmus+ Offices present in five regions, Western Balkans (region 1), Eastern Partnership ...
The analysis examines in particular R&I developments in 11 E&N countries and identifies the main gaps that might hinder successful implementation of S3 initiatives. Smart specialisation (S3) is a place-based policy concept promoting regional economic transformation and investment through innovative activities in the selected domains. Download the report here Source: Danube-INCO.NET, coordination and support action addressing the official EU Strategy for the Danube ...
The analysis examines R&I developments in 11 E&N countries and identifies the main gaps that might hinder successful implementation of S3 initiatives. Smart specialisation (S3) is a place-based policy concept promoting regional economic transformation and investment through innovative activities in the selected domains. The report by Danube-INCO.NET explores the conditions under which the Smart Specialisation model can be applied in the EU enlargement and neighbourhood (E&N) ...
... announced by 2 June 2017. Source: Nereus COST-ACTION We are pleased to inform you that you are now able to submit proposals for Short Time Scientific Missions (STSMs) to take place between June 2017 and December 2017. Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovinam, Montenegro, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (COST Countries) are entitled to apply ...
... announced by 2 June 2017. Source: Nereus COST-ACTION We are pleased to inform you that you are now able to submit proposals for Short Time Scientific Missions (STSMs) to take place between June 2017 and December 2017. Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (COST Countries) and Albania (COST Near Neighbour Country) are entitled to apply ...
Proposals need to focus on capacity building by transferring and sharing know-how, in particular from EU CEI Member States to non-EU CEI Member States. The activities can take the form of conferences, seminars, workshops, and training courses. Proposals are to be in line with the CEI Plan of Action 2014-2016 (extended to 2017) and meet the criteria comprehensively outlined in the Call for Proposals. Deadline: Tuesday, 13 June 2017, 17:00 CEST (GMT+2) Trieste time Potential CEI ...
Proposals need to focus on capacity building by transferring and sharing know-how, in particular from EU CEI Member States to non-EU CEI Member States. The activities can take the form of conferences, seminars, workshops, and training courses. Proposals are to be in line with the CEI Plan of Action 2014-2016 (extended to 2017) and meet the criteria comprehensively outlined in the Call for Proposals. Deadline: Tuesday, 13 June 2017, 17:00 CEST (GMT+2) Trieste time Potential CEI ...
... submitted proposals. The biggest number of proposals were submitted by Italian applicants (389), followed closely by Spanish (358) and British applicants (156). 98% of applicants were single SMEs. Concerning the Western Balkan Countries, Serbia submitted the highest number of proposals, 11; only 1 instead for the Former Yugoslav Rebublic of Macedonia and Albania. The next cut-off for Phase 1 is on 6 September 2017. For further information, please visit the EASME website On 10 May 2017, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) announced that the European Commission has received 2165 proposals for Small and Medium-sized ...
The overall objective of the Conference is to present state of play in service delivery across the region - Initiatives characterized by innovation and EU approximation, with a particular emphasis on the Albanian model being currently implemented. The discussions in the conference will enable participants to comprehensively understand from a technical standpoint the implications that may arise during implementation of such highly complex innovative solutions within a public context. Therefore, ...
The Conference is connecting institutional and private investors from all over the world with businessmen and project owners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. It represents a platform for business networking and exploration of investment opportunities in the Southeast Europe region with the sole objective to foster its economic development. Each year the Conference gathers more than 1,000 participants and has full media coverage both locally and internationally (Al ...
The Conference is connecting institutional and private investors from all over the world with businessmen and project owners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. It represents a platform for business networking and exploration of investment opportunities in the Southeast Europe region with the sole objective to foster its economic development. Each year the Conference gathers more than 1,000 participants and has full media coverage both locally and internationally (Al ...
... and innovation performers, in terms of access to new research avenues, creativity and the development of new approaches, as well as a source for increased mobility (inwards and outwards) of qualified scientists. *Widening Countries are:Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Faroe Islands, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine. Source and further information: EC The WIDESPREAD-05-2017 call is part of the Horizon 2020 Programme dubbed "Spreading Excellence and Widening Particaption" (SEWP). The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies ...
The purpose of this regional forum which is being organized by IENE, under the auspices of Serbia’s Ministry of Energy and Mining, and with the support of leading international and regional organizations and major energy companies, is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from all countries of S.E. Europe and beyond. The objective being the ...
... Bosnia and Herzegovina Trg BiH 3 71000 Sarajevo Tel.: (+387 33)492 551 e-mail: Mr. Ammar MIRAŠČIJA Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Trg BiH 3 71000 Sarajevo Tel.: (+387 33) 492 597 e-mail: FYR of Macedonia Prof. Meri Cvetkovska, Ph.D. Vice-Rector for international cooperation Ss. Cyril and Methodius University-Skopje Blvd. Goce Delcev 9, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 (2)3293 293 Fax: +389 (2)3293 202 E-mail: Web: MONTENEGRO Prof Dr Ramo SENDELJ ...
... May 2017). Since limited places are available, we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience through the online registration form. A limited number of grants, covering the full costs of travel and accommodation, will be available for participants from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine. The workshop will be held in English Download the flyer here CONTACT project website Source and further information: CERIC-ERIC CERIC-ERIC and the Central European Initiative - CEI are glad to invite you to the CONTACT workshop, taking place at the CERIC headquarters in Trieste ...
... May 2017). Since limited places are available, we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience through the online registration form. A limited number of grants, covering the full costs of travel and accommodation, will be available for participants from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine. The workshop will be held in English Download the flyer here CONTACT project website Source and further information: CERIC-ERIC CERIC-ERIC and the Central European Initiative - CEI are glad to invite you to the CONTACT workshop, taking place at the CERIC headquarters in Trieste ...
Letter from the organizers: "On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is an honour to invite you to the NUTRICON 2017, which will take place in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, from 5th to 7th of October 2017. NUTRICON 2017 is dedicated to: Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition. We would like to invite all interested scientists, professionals, companies, governmental officials, and professional associations working in the fields of food production, food processing, food quality and safety, health, nutrition, hygienic ...
Letter from the organizers: "On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is an honour to invite you to the NUTRICON 2017, which will take place in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, from 5th to 7th of October 2017. NUTRICON 2017 is dedicated to: Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition. We would like to invite all interested scientists, professionals, companies, governmental officials, and professional associations working in the fields of food production, food processing, food quality and safety, health, nutrition, hygienic ...
... border are the Ministry for the Local Self-Government, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry for Local Government Administration, Kosovo. The JTS is located in Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kosovo and the Antenna in Kumanovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Source and further information: CBIB+ ...
... and implementation of 11 IPA CBC programmes between two WB countries: Albania – Kosovo* Albania – Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina (only under the financial cycle 2007-2013) Croatia – Montenegro (only under the financial cycle 2007-2013) Croatia – Serbia (only under the financial cycle 2007-2013) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Kosovo* Montenegro – Kosovo* Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia – Montenegro The project “Cross-border Institution Building Plus (CBIB+)” is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by a consortium led by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The project is currently in its fourth phase, envisaged to last until the ...