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A REGIONALSTUDY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMITMENTS FROM THE 2015 VIENNA WESTERN BALKANS SUMMIT. This study analyses the extent to which the governments of the Western Balkan countries, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia, are fulfilling their commitments under the Berlin Process with respect to the two declarations adopted at the 2015 Vienna Summit, in the field of regional cooperation and resolution of bilateral disputes and the establishment of the Regional Youth ...
... pain, back pain and the new NICE guidelines, acute joint pain and its management including pre and postoperative pain treatment, and all aspects of treatment of chronic joint pain now and in the future. Participants from Category B Countries (among others: Bosnia & Herzegovina,  Kosovo*, Macedonia FYR, Montenegro, Serbia) and Category C Countries (among others: Albania) can benefit from a reduced Congress Fee. Source: EFIC The European Pain Federation, EFIC®, is proud to announce its First Topical Seminar, on the theme of Acute and Chronic Joint Pain. 2016 is the European and Global Year against Joint ...
... and fall into identified priorities and measures. The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Albania is implemented jointly by Montenegro and Albania. The Programme is implemented under the Indirect management mode, with the Contracting Authority located in Montenegro. Moreover, the implementation of the Programme is overseen by a Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) composed of representatives from Montenegro and Albania. Both countries are assisted by a Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) based ...
33% New edition of SEE-6 Economic Outlook Document 3. Aug. 2016
SEE-6 Economic Outlook is a biannual publication in English that gives an overview of economic trends and short-term forecasts for the six countries of Southeast Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. Each issue also provides an analysis whereby these countries are compared from the perspective of one current economic topic.   The second issue places a special emphasis on two analyses: the analysis of the economic aspects of the refugee crisis and the ...
Croatian Economic Survey is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics and practitioners by publishing high-quality research papers on topics in all areas of economics. Special focus is given to post-socialist Europe. Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of ...
Prior to this final deadline, potential applicants should observe the following intermediary closing dates: 12 August 2016: National IPA Coordinator transmits the pre-submission notification to the WBIF Secretariat; and 19 August 2016: The IFI Coordination Office issues preliminary project codes to the National IPA Coordinators. Prospective proposals should be in line with national sector strategies and should aim at unblocking an existing WBIF project, across the WBIF eligible sectors. In ...
This regional strategy on the “Danube Region/ Western Balkans” has been prompted by the growing convergence of Austria’s foreign, economic, security and development interests in the Danube Region/ Western Balkans and the need to rekindle the reform dynamics fostering both regional integration and EU integration. The regional strategy is meant to be complementary to the existent bilateral country strategies for Albania and Kosovo* and has been elaborated with a ...
... who will be available for the 'hands-on' session concluding the workshop. Full information on the subject is available at: Please note that : - the workshop in Brno is restricted to participants from Slovakia or Czech Republic - the workshop in Ohrid is restricted to participants from Albania, Montenegro or FyroMacedonia - the workshop in Tallinn is restricted to participants from Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia - the workshop in Sofia is restricted to participants from Romania or Bulgaria   Source: cvents The purpose of these regional workshops is to fully inform ‘newcomers’ (research performing institutions and research funders) on the principles ...
... largest proportion of women supporting staff can be found in Serbia (48 %), while the lowest proportion was found in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1 %). Within R&D personnel, a smaller proportion of women work as technicians compared to men, except in Hungary, Germany, Denmark, France, Cyprus and Montenegro. In the government sector, the proportion of women researchers exceeds 55 % in Serbia and Montenegro As with the higher education sector, the government sector also has a relatively strong presence of women researchers. Furthermore, as compared to the HES and BES, women make up more than half of researchers in ...
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