Call for support of young researchers’ travel to ESOF 2018 in Toulouse

Publication date
January 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Short description

ESOF 2018, the EuroScience Open Forum, will be held in Toulouse, France, from 9 to 14 July 2018. For young aspiring researchers, including PhD candidates and master students, ESOF conferences are an excellent opportunity to get immersed in Europe’s largest general science conference, learn about new discoveries in a large number of fields, meet Nobel laureates and young researchers across disciplines.

  • ESOF enables them to discuss career perspectives and participate in lively science policy debates with major European and national politicians and get an insight into science to business perspectives. Hundreds of journalists and media will cover the event and contribute to the enthusiastic atmosphere.
  • ESOF includes a Careers Programme specifically dedicated to the interests and concerns of PhD students, young post-docs and early-career researchers. All the ESOF Programmes (Careers, Scientific, Science-2-Business) are built with a bottom-up approach via an open call for proposals.
  • ESOF provides young researchers with a unique opportunity to meet and engage with leading scientists from fields outside their own speciality.

EuroScience and ESOF team believe that as many young research students should be able to participate in ESOF 2018 in order to learn from and contribute to the meeting. They are therefore seeking support to make it possible for them to join the unique event in Toulouse this year.

Should you wish to consider providing a number of travel grants or sponsor a bus/train to Toulouse which would bring a group of students, please contact marie.suchanova[at] for more information.

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Admin on January 19, 2018
Modified on January 19, 2018