CERIC:Call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials

Publication date
July 1, 2018
October 1, 2010
Short description

CERIC-ERIC offers access through a single entry point to more than 50 different and complementary state of the art techniques and support laboratories, distributed in 9 countries, with the submission of single or multi-technique proposals

A detailed description of the facilities available in CERIC can be found here.

Access to CERIC is open to scientists from all over the world and free of charge. The only condition for free access is the publication of the results, with appropriate citation of the facilities and local contacts involved.

Proposals should be submitted online through the Virtual Unified Office (VUO)

The best projects will be selected by peer review through an independent and international panel of experts. The first deadline allows a pre-evaluation of the proposal at the facilities and, if necessary, two weeks for editing on the basis of the comments, before final submission at the second deadline. Although CERIC suggests taking advantage of the pre-evaluation, expert users may decide to submit their proposals directly at the second deadline.


3rd September, 17hs CET, to have a pre-evaluation and the possibility to improve your proposal.

1st October 17hs CET, recommended only for expert users of all the techniques requested. For more information, please visit CERIC website

Should you have any question about the call, please contact useroffice@ceric-eric.eu

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on July 20, 2018
Modified on July 20, 2018