Researchers' Report 2013

The 2013 edition of the Researchers' Report, which is the second of three annual reports focusing on the profession of 'researcher' in Europe and the extent to  which progress is being made towards an open and attractive European labour market for researchers - an essential factor for the successful completion of the European Research Area (ERA).

The report looks in particular at issues around research training and employment conditions, gender and dual career considerations, and ensuring that leading academics, researchers and innovators reside and work in Europe and that a sufficient number of highly skilled third country nationals are attracted to Europe. The report also considers the measures that the countries are taking to address these issues, and any impact that they have already identified. The report is complemented by data Annexes, by 38 detailed country profiles, by around 50 examples of good practice and by 'scorecards' which provide a quick visual presentation of where countries stand in relation to the main issues. All the country profiles are presented in accordance with the key aspects of the ERA, including key data;  women in research; open, transparent and merit-based recruitment; and mobility and international attractiveness.

Researchers' Report 2013

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 5, 2013
Modified on November 5, 2013