EOSC Declaration (European Open Science Cloud)
Source: European Open Science Cloud
The Commission made the EOSC Declaration (
118 KB) in October 2017 available to all scientific stakeholders, for their endorsement and commitments to the realisation of the EOSC by 2020.
The Declaration emerged from the EOSC Summit of 12 June, where more than 80 key scientific stakeholders showed a strong sense of commitment, dedication and intellectual rigour with respect to the implementation of the EOSC. We agreed that the EOSC is a truly common European project that we cannot afford to fail.
Overall, response has been plenty, positive and strong. Until today, 70 scientific stakeholders have endorsed the principles of the Declaration. A list of first signatories (
52 KB) has already signed up to play a role in the EOSC 'coalition of doers'.
The graphic design, pagination and text of the ESOC Declaration have been minimally adjusted, to reflect the publication of the Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) part of the Work Programme 2018-2020, developments in HPC, the mid-term review of the Digital Single Market strategy and to correct punctuation and one typo.
We strongly encourage you and your institution to 1) to endorse the principles of the Declaration, and 2) to commit to take some of the specific actions forward.
Many of the signatories, sixty as of today, also committed to one or more actions to implement the principles of the EOSC Declaration. The Action List (
54 KB) accompanying the EOSC Declaration already features several commitments.
- Other
- General/no specific focus
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on December 13, 2017
Modified on December 13, 2017