Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan implementing the research and innovation framework programme Horizon Europe

The purpose of this document is to inform and stimulate a co-design process that will prepare the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe–the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021 –2027 (Horizon Europe). It further provide an overview about Horizon Europe and its various elements.

The co-design process lauched by the EC  wants to ensure that Horizon Europe is directed towards what matters most, improves our daily lives and helps turn big societal challenges such as climate change into innovation opportunities and solutions for a sustainable future. Currently an online consultation session is available until 8th September 2019.


The EC objective is collect input from across Europe and beyond. The inputs received will inform the work to prepare a ‘Strategic Plan’ for Horizon Europe, which will then guide the work programmes and calls for proposals for Horizon Europe’s first four years (2021-2024).

The first Horizon Europe Strategic Plan will facilitate the implementation of Horizon Europe by acting as a bridge between the Horizon Europe Specific Programme and the future, multi-annual work programmes that will contain the calls and topics to which interested parties can apply. The Strategic Plan will set out key strategic orientations for the support to research and innovation, including a description of targeted impacts, cross-cluster issues and intervention areas covered. It will also identify missions and European Partnerships. As such, the plan will not repeat the rationale of the Horizon Europe Specific Programme, nor the intervention logic that led to the component parts of the programme. Rather, taking the Specific Programme as a starting point, it will identify themajor policy drivers, the strategic policy priorities, and the targeted impacts to be achieved, focussing on those elements within the Specific Programme that should be supported from 2021 to 2024.

The strategic planning process will include close coordination and synergy with the planning of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and considerthe balance of research and innovation activities, so topromote technological, non-technological and social innovation as appropriate in view of the targeted impact. At a later stage, the strategic planning processwill addresssynergiesbetween Horizon Europe and other Union programmes thus becoming a point of reference for research and innovation in all related programmes across the EU budget and non-funding instruments. It will also provide the frameworkfor linking the direct actions of the Joint Research Centreand other actions supported under Horizon Europe, including the use of results and data for support to policy. Further details on the international cooperation strategy and targeted impacts for international cooperation will also be added.


Document type
  • Discussion paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • EC
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on July 3, 2019
Modified on July 3, 2019