Barriers to international mobility and the integration of researchers from Western Balkan Countries (WBC) in the European Research Area (ERA)

FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) as project partner in See Science EU produced a study about mobility issues in ERA and West Balkan. This thematic report describes the most common obstacles for researchers mobility in Europe. An overview of the most typical mobility problems in the Western Balkan countries is provided.

Furthermore it summarizes the ERA mobility strategy of the European Commission and analyses the most relevant actions for its implementation on both Member State and EU level during the years 2002-2008. The added value of such mobility actions for the Western Balkan region is identified and discussed.

A special focus is put on the current Seventh EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) as the main international source of funding for mobility of researchers and which impact the Western Balkan Countries (WBC) have in this programme.

This thematic report is a fundamental summary and a survey for everyone that wishes to get a general picture of the development of the European mobility issues that has been taking place in the last few years. It gives the reader an added value on what kind of impact these actions have and will have on the Western Balkan region.

This mobility report has been updated in April 2008.

Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries (ed.) (2007): Deliverable D12
Barriers to international mobility and the integration of researchers from Western Balkan Countries (WBC) in the European Research Area (ERA)
Written by: Victoria Solitander, FFG.
Elli Stepanovic, FFG


Publication Year


See Science EU project
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Related organisations

Entry created by Victoria Solitander on October 12, 2007
Modified on October 12, 2007