The Unified Patent Court Rules of Procedure

Event date
May 2, 2014
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich
Short description

The EU patent package will establish a Unified Patent Court, which is a great novelty for the European patent litigation system.


It is therefore essential to be familiar with the Rules of Procedure of this court, which are currently being drafted. In this event, participants will have the opportunity to hear about the state of play of those rules from a member of the Drafting Committee establishing the Rules of Procedure for the Unified Patent Court.

Alice Pezard
Of Counsel Heenan Blaikie and Member of the Drafting Committee

In spite of some ifs and pitfalls still ahead, the 2012 EU/EPC patent package is set to bring fundamental changes to the patent litigation system in particular by establishing a central Unified Patent Court. Its success will fundamentally hinge upon the Rules of Procedure that are currently in the drafting stage. Alice Pezard reports on the state of play for those Rules. Alice is Of Counsel with Heenan Blaikie’s Paris office and member of the Drafting Committee establishing the Rules of Procedure for the Unified Patent Court. 

Registrations for the event are not required.

We look forward to see you.

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  • General/no specific focus
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  • Other

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on February 26, 2014
Modified on February 26, 2014