Big Data Value Association Valencia Summit

Event date
November 30, 2016 - December 2, 2016
Short description

With over 300 attendees from Industry, Academia, Public Administration, data owners and users, our summit is a key occasion to meet and engage with Big Data players in Europe, and to influence the development of the European Big Data Ecosystem.


Join the event and contribute to:

  • Driving forward the Big Data Value ecosystem and improving visibility of Big Data Value Assocation (BDVA) and the BDV PPP;
  • Inspiring and getting inspired by real stories from data users and providers;
  • Sharing and understanding the state of the art in Big Data Technologies, big data challenges and opportunities;
  • idea incubation and consortium building for 2017 H2020 calls.

Find all the information and registration here:

Source: BDVA

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on November 9, 2016
Modified on November 9, 2016