COST Connect: Climate Change and Forest Systems

Event date
June 5, 2018
Short description

The COST Connect event on "Climate Change and Forest Systems" will look at new horizons for research and innovation in the forest-based sector. The event will be held in Sofia on the 5th June and is by invitation only.


Climate changes and related extreme events and risks increasingly affect forests and their associated ecological, sociological and economic systems requiring pro-active adaptation measures for maintaining their sustainability. In parallel, the mitigation potentials of forests and forestry wood chains are progressively included in the international climate regime following Paris agreement. Increased knowledge and better understanding of interactions between climate and forest systems will be crucial in the future for supporting innovations and actions to combat climate change and to reach some of the sustainable development goals and targets.

In this global context, COST and SCAR (Standing Committee on Agricultural Research) are jointly organising an event to explore new horizons for research and innovation in the forest-based sector. The event will be organised as an interactive workshop involving related COST Actions and scientific communities, stakeholders and policy makers to facilitate dialogue and discussion on future research agenda. 

This event is by invitation only. 


Further information about this COST Connect event can be requested via   from Federica Ortelli, Fatima Bouchama, COST Science Officers or from  COST Policy Officer or alternatively from  ECOFOR

Geographical focus
  • EC
  • H2020
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference WBs
  • Other

Entry created by Admin on January 19, 2018
Modified on January 19, 2018