COST Connect - How to Shape a Sustainable Urban Mobility for all?

Event date
April 25-26, 2018
Short description

The COST Connect Event on “How to Shape a Sustainable Urban Mobility for all?” aims at bringing together relevant actors, funding initiatives and researchers to reflect on the current state of the art, and to identify and provide input on desirable developments on urban mobility.


The COST Connect Event will contribute to highlight and promote scientific success stories, enhance the mutual understanding between researchers, policy makers, and funders, and create new synergies with the aim to understand what is needed for a sustainable urban mobility and how to achieve through collaborations to lead to breakthrough innovations that lead to greener, more inclusive, safer and smarter urban mobility solutions. This event is organized back to back with the JPI Urban Europe Agora meeting  which is taking place in Bucharest on 24-25 April 2018.

This highly-interactive COST Connect event will provide best support to priorities identified by the different participants and will help to:

  • Support the cooperation of COST Actions ' stakeholders working in the area of Urban Mobility.
  • Fight against dispersion of resources and fragmentation of research activities
  • Promote synergies with activities funded through other EU programmes
  • Promote joint activities including propositions for H2020 (flagships) open calls
  • Promote networking for relevant partnerships
  • Improve the involvement of young researchers, female researchers and scientists working in countries which are currently underrepresented in the topic

The event is by invitation only.

Further information about this COST Connect event can be requested via  from Mickael Pero and Karina Marcus, COST Science Officers, and Bart Veys, COST Policy Officer.

Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • EC
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference WBs
  • Other

Entry created by Admin on January 19, 2018
Modified on January 19, 2018