3rd International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO’20)

Event date
May 7-8, 2020
Short description

Contemporary Issues in Statistical Methods and Data Science Applications


The conference will cover statistical topics and areas, but also similar and related areas and multidisciplinary fields. It will provide a platform for international and national networking and exchange of ideas on various aspects of statistics and related professional and scientific areas and brings together researchers and practitioners from various aspects of statistical profession and science.

ISCCRO conference 2020 will take place in Dubrovnik at the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), which was founded by the University of Zagreb as a public academic institution for international scientific programmes and postgraduate studies with the aim to facilitate and promote academic activities in various fields of science and advanced education in forms of specialized courses, summer schools, conferences, brainstorming meetings and other similar academic activities.

Find below the official Call for papers. 

Conference website:


Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • Europe
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on November 5, 2019
Modified on November 5, 2019