So You Want To Put Your Science on Social Media?

Event date
October 5, 2021
Short description

This session is specifically for those actively looking to launch or revamp a science-related social media account. Our goal is to make this as interactive as possible. We will provide a customizable, step by step guide so that by the end of the session, attendees have a roadmap to launch their own accounts.

The bulk of the session will focus on the presenters (in person or virtual) and use visual tools to highlight the concepts covered.


The guide will be distributed to attendees as a worksheet to take notes with as they follow along through the sections of our presentation, including: Why does your group need to use social media to share research?, How do you develop a voice & niche for your account and How do I know if my content is doing well? Our hope is that by the end, attendees can review their notes and have a plan ready to apply to their own accounts. We will provide time for attendees to get feedback from the group & panelists on their completed roadmap.

We will invite questions at the end of each section.

For more information visit

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Webinar

Entry created by Admin on September 25, 2021
Modified on September 25, 2021