EU Secure and Innovative Digital Future

Event date
November 2-4, 2022
Czech Republic
Short description

High-level ministerial conference focused on security of digital technologies from the point of view of regulation and practice of state, business and users. The programme will cover cyber security, security of supply chains, and building ecosystem for the development of artificial intelligence and data economy.


About the event​

There is no doubt that ensuring cyber security of state and citizens is essential in today’s world. We need to know how to tackle new challenges and how to adapt promptly to new situations. Therefore, cyber security is the key political priority of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU.  This two days conference is organised as one of the major events of the Presidency and is fully dedicated to crucial security issues of today.

The first day, with the title Prague Cyber Security Conference 2022, will focus on topic of supply chain security in the light of cybersecurity of the state critical infrastructure.

The second day, titled Towards a Secure and Innovative Ecosystem, will look closely at digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and secure data flows in the EU and outside the EU. In the centre of discussions will be also the question how to support technological autonomy of the EU, foster digital innovations and last but not least the phenomenon of disinformation in online world. Dozens of Czech and foreign speakers will present their views on the matter - cyber security and defence experts, industry leaders, experts from European Union institutions and leading politicians and legislators.

And there is something more. If you are interested in issues related to children´s safety online, you are invited to a side event which will be held on 2 November. You will have an opportunity to see a Czech documentary “Caught in the Net” about online predators. After the projection you can join a follow-up expert debate.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin on October 7, 2022
Modified on October 7, 2022