Molecular genetic and molecular biology research infrastructure


Full name
Branka Vasiljević
Name of your institution
Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering
Institutions’s country
Institution’s address
Vojvode Stepe 444a, POB 23 11010 Belgrade Serbia
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Research Infrastructure Manager (administrative)
Your telephone number
+381 11 3975 744
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • University/Higher education

Main scientificdomain: Life sciences

Category: Collections of biological resources

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Life Sciences
RI type
  • Single-sited
  • Other: national
Short description

The major activities of the Institute are oriented towards fundamental research in molecular biology, molecular genetics, recombinant DNA technology and biotechnology. In the field of fundamental research, Institute's projects are mostly focused on research related to analysis of genome organisation and regulation of gene expression in different organisms. Furthermore, IMGGE is also oriented to biotechnological and commercial applications in human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, food production, and pharmaceutical industry. The Institute consists of six laboratories. Stuff of the Institute presently comprises 65 researchers. Apart from the regular employees, IMGGE frequently hosts researchers from other research organisations. The Institute is affiliated to the University of Belgrade. Within last 15 years more than 180 diploma theses, 70 MSc and 40 PhD theses have been completed in IMGGE. The applied approach is accomplished through ongoing Institute's programs: molecular diagnostics of hereditary, malignant and infectious diseases, GMO screening, marker assisted selection for the economic trait loci in cattle, genetic manipulation on lactic acid bacteria for food production, production of recombinant biologically active substances, and secondary metabolites of soil microorganisms. The IMGGE has implemented and maintains a QMS according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The IMGGE is authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republic of Serbia as an official institution for GMO testing. The Laboratory for plant molecular biology is involved in international Quality Control system organized by International Seed Testing Association (ISTA proficiency test).


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
Along with 6 ongoing fundamental research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia (MSTD RS), several international projects are in full swing at IMGGE, as a result of bilateral collaborations of the IMGGE with leading EU laboratories. In addition to two FP6 projects (EUROGENTEST Network of excellence-512148 (2005-2009) and HISERBS SSA-INCO-026357 (2006-2009)), one Welcome Trust (JW/imgge-mar14, 2006-2009) as well as 3 Collaborative Research Programme (CRP) projects funded by ICGEB (CRP/YUG06-01, 2007-2009; CRP/YUG07-01, 2008-2010; CRP/YUG08-01, 2009-2011) are in progress. Furthermore, the IMGGE has been one of the pioneers in the introduction of MG approaches in diagnostics in Serbia, and as such, it is well known for its participation in Serbian health sector. It is the only national institution where numerous different MG analyses relevant for human health are performed. Some of them are exclusively performed at the IMGGE . The IMGGE has implemented Good Scientific Practice Policy in 2008. IMGGE research facilities and research infrastructure are fully opened for external users.
List of international co-operation agreements and partnerships which exist and partnerships which exist at organisational level for this RI, between different organisations in different European countries (please give up to 5 examples over the last 5 years)
IMGGE’s research groups are members of several European and world networks related to their research fields: European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA), European Leukemia Net (ELN), European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC), Thalassemia International Federation (TIF), Cystic fibrosis (CF) Network, EQA schemes and Treat NMD network. The international course “Molecular Diagnostics of Human Diseases” was organised in 2006 at IMGGE, as a part of the ICGEB annual course programme, as well as several practical and theoretical courses at national level (“Basic methods in genetic engineering” (1997, 1999), “Protein electrophoresis: theory and practice” (1997, 1998, 2003), “Detection of genetic modifications in plant material and food” (2002). Open day dedicated to Molecular Markers in Diagnostics and Follow-up of Hematological Malignancies (HISERBS SSA-INCO-026357 (2006-2009)) was organised and held at IMGGE in 2008.
Please indicate any further needs and opportunities for further integration or collaboration with similar or related RIs
Other activities of the Institute include an active participation in popularization and promotion of science in general public in Serbia (participation at the “Science Festival 2008”, Belgrade and “Science for Everyone”, IMGGE and Life Learning Center, University of Bologna).





Research services provided to users and researchers
IMGGE research facilities, among other, comprise of these: DNA sequencing and fragment analysis. Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyzer is fully automated, fluorescence-based 4-capillary electrophoresis instrument. Two main applications of this instrument are DNA sequencing and DNA fragment analysis, but it can also be used for various other fragment analysis-based applications (LOH, MLPA, DGGE, SSCP, MCA, AFLP, SNPlex, SNaPshot). Data acquired by sequencing are processed by Sequencing Analysis Software, SeqScape Software and MicroSeq ID Analysis Software, while GeneMapper Software enables basic processing of data acquired by fragment analysis-based applications. Real-time PCR Applied Biosystems 7500 “Real–time” PCR System can perform all major real-time PCR applications including quantitative measurement of mRNA (absolute or relative quantification of gene expression), detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and detection of the presence or absence of a specific target sequence (Plus/minus assays). Macromolecules separation by centrifugation. Beside classical laboratory Sorvall centrifuges (Du Pont Instruments), microcentrifuges (Eppendorf) with or without cooling systems, there are also several ultracentrifuges in IMGGE. Optima L-80 XP is a new, enhanced preparative ultracentrifuge instrument, capable of generating 602 000g at speed of up to 80 000 rpm. Centrifugation parameters are optimized by Optima eXPert Software. Environmentally-friendly cooling systems eliminate the need for CFCs. Visualization Macromolecules systems. Cyclone Storage Phosphor System (Perkin Elmer) performs filmless autoradiography of electrophoresis gels, blots, thin layer chromatography samples and tissue sections. It provides high resolution images for all commonly used radioisotopes, including 3H, 125I, 14C, 35S, 32P and 33P. Cell culture. We are employing cell culture techniques for gene expression studies in human, plant and animal cell lines. Three fully equipped cell culture rooms fulfil Biosafety Lavel 2. Green house. Since the July 2006. there is a greenhouse (6x6m) within the institute. The greenhouse is equipped with heating and watering system. Buckwheat, tobacco and Arabidopsis plants which are grown in it, are used for gene expression and function analysis.

Entry created by Davor Kozmus on November 23, 2012
Modified on November 26, 2012