Balkan Social Science Review


BSSR is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed, journal for academics with an interest in the Balkans seen through the lenght of diferent social science disciplines

The Balkan Social Science Review (BSSR) is established on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University “Goce Delcev” in Stip, Republic of Macedonia. It is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to law, political sciences, sociology and economy sean in the context of the Balkan, with an emphasis on matters of theory and on broad issues arising from the relationship of wider social science disciplines encuraging interdisciplinary aproach in areas of relevance. 


The journal does not favor one over another approach, but rather encourages the use of appropriate social science approaches for the given topic or paper. The BSSR urges potential authors to consider a wide range of important policy discussions, arguments, practices, methodologies, and theories, in areas including: The main scope of this Jurnal is on several areas of Social Sciences. We encourage researches in:
•    Comparative studies within Balkans and Europe
•    Law and legal framework in different Balkan countries and aprocsimation of EU legislative and practices
•    International relations of Balkan countries (Geopolitics), but also and inner-regional cooperation and perspectives
•    Political status of each Balkan country, and the regional politics, sean in the perspectives of different political theories
•    Ethnicity, social inclusion and national identity development in the context of the Balkan
•    Economy, Social status and Buisines perspectives of the region of the Balkan
•    Good governance, human rights, human development and Civil societies in the Balkan
•    Public Administration in different Balkan countries- compared expiriences in the region and European practices
•    Media and Comunications in the Balkans
•    Securety aspects of the Balkan region, building peace and coexistance est.

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 22, 2013
Modified on May 22, 2013