News archive - [Event Announcement] Workshop: "Cluster Networking and Development Prospects in the Danube Region"
The purpose of the Workshop is exchanging of experience referring to the financing prospects, cluster establishing and development, as well as the importance of preparing joint cluster development projects in the region with special emphasize on the sector of tourism, wood-processing industry and fruit & vegetables manufacturers. The event takes place on September 11-12, 2012 and showcases good practices in the areas
- Tourism
- Wood Processing Industries
- Food Industries
Workshop Infrastructure, Participants & Agenda organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of Croatia.
Contact person: Zdenka Mesić, tel. 00385 1 610 6923, e-mail:
Iva Rašić, tel. 000385 1 610 9855, e-mail:
Please send us the names of participants ASAP, by September 7, 2012 at the latest, using the possibility to register directly on our GroupSpaces website:
- Danube Macroregion
- General
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 16, 2012
Modified on July 16, 2012