News archive - [Call for papers] OPENSUR-2013 policy workshop
OPENSUR-2013 is the first policy workshop of the EC funded project RESPECT ("Rules, Expectations & Security through Privacy-Enhanced Convenient Technologies") coordinated by the University of Groningen.
Convenience and cost-effectiveness are the two key considerations for both citizens and security forces when deciding which technologies to embrace or avoid in the Information Society. State actors and private corporations adopt ICTs because they are costeffective. Once adopted these ICTs are then capable of being bridged in multiple ways permitting police/security forces to go beyond the data they gather directly but also increasingly tap into data gathered and stored by private corporations. These ICTs will be deemed to be “in balance” if they are implemented in a way which respects individual privacy while still maximising convenience, profitability, public safety and security.
The OPENSUR-2013 workshop is hosted by the University of Ljubljana and aims to investigate if the current and foreseeable implementations of ICTs in surveillance are implemented in a way which respects individual privacy while still maximising convenience, profitability, public safety and security, as well as to communicate the outcomes of the project activities to policy-makers and other stakeholders (academics, police associations, public agencies, civil society, media, etc) and to receive feedback from those stakeholders.
Interested stakeholders are called to attend this workshop, either as presenters or observers. All the participants that wish to make a presentation are invited to submit an abstract of their presentation related to the workshop's topics. The topics of the workshop will be organised around the following themes:
- - Economic and social impact of surveillance
- - Data collection and analysis for crime fight
- - The effectiveness of CCTV in preventing and solving crime
- - Social network analysis for crime fight
- - Possibilities and problems of geolocalisation
- - Regulating surveillance: Measures, dilemmas and limitation
Due to the workshop format, all presenters will be asked to conclude their presentations with a list of policy recommendations related to the above topics. Selected presenters will be invited to submit a full paper after the workshop to be considered for publication in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.
- Europe
- FP7
- General/no specific focus
- International; Other
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- Engineering and Technology
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Simon Dobrišek on April 3, 2013
Modified on April 3, 2013