News archive - [Event Announcement] EC Workshop - Exploitation and Commercialisation of Research Results of Multinational Consortia
The "Environmental Technologies" Unit in DG Research and Innovation is organising a workshop on issues regarding the commercialisation of products or project results developed by multi-national consortia with the participation of SMEs from different countries.
A more insight view on these issues is of particular importance for consortia running projects within the 7th Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (FP7). In many cases, in fact, the projects have as a result products/processes to which different partners with different efforts contributed. When the projects end, then some problems can arise regarding IPR and commercialization of their product/services.
The aim of the workshop is therefore to inform coordinators of FP7 projects on the possibilities for their products/processes of achieving the market, looking at IPR, standards and, more in general, to the exploitation of innovative solutions.
To attend the meeting please follow the indications for registering, considering that due to capacity of the meeting room a maximum of two participants per project are allowed.
In order to register for the workshop, please fill-in the table with the details of the participants (information required by our security services in order to grant the participants with the access to our premises) and send it back to our functional mailbox:
Deadline for registrations: 15/04/2013
Meeting venue:
European Commission
Building VM2 2/2
Rue Van Maerlant 2
1040 Brussels
- Agenda (draft) 126 KB
- Information for visitors to the EC 10 KB
- Table external participants 34 KB
For further information and registration, please click here.
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on April 9, 2013
Modified on April 9, 2013