News archive - [Event Review] WBC-INCO.NET Regional Dialogue Meeting focused on Association to Horizon 2020
On April 10, 2013 the 6th Regional Dialogue Meeting within the WBC-INCO.NET project took place in Vienna. This event serves for the WBC as a forum of regional information exchange while inputs on different topics can be provided by invited guests. Representatives of the Ministries of Science from WBC, TUBITAK (Turkey), the European Commission and WBC-INCO.NET coordination team discussed this time the topic of Association to Horizon 2020. Welcome note was given by Montenegrin Deputy Minister of Science Mr. Darko Petrusic.
The goal of this meeting was to discuss the question of Association for the Enlargement countries to the EU's framework programme for research and innovation – Horizon 2020.
In general, the Association represents the closest form of cooperation which has been implemented with non-EU countries and it will continue to play a key role in Horizon 2020. It involves formal participation in the programme committee bodies and requires a financial contribution to the EU budget. In return, organisations and researchers in the associated countries have participation rights equal to their counterparts in the EU Member States. However, association requires the conclusion of a new association agreement; there is thus no automatic continuation of the current programme (FP7) to Horizon 2020.
See also:
- Fact sheet: International Participation in Horizon 2020
- Questions & Answers: Horzon 2020
- Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
The current IPA Regulation (the legal basis for IPA funding) expires on 31December 2013. To ensure that assistance to enlargement countries is not interrupted, the new draft "IPA II" Regulation
will enter into force on 1 January 2014 once approved by EU lawmakers.
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- Mr Damir Jelicic
- Mr Darko Petrusic
- Mr Edmond Agolli
- Ms Filiz Hayirli
- Ms Ines Marinkovic
- Mr Klaus Schuch
- Ms Milena Milonjic
- Ms Tania Friederichs
- Ms Violeta Atanasovska
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on April 11, 2013
Modified on April 12, 2013