News archive - Job openings for researchers, engineers and technicians at ELI - NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics)

Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) will be the only European and International Centre for high-level research on ultra-high intensity laser, laser-matter interaction and secondary sources with unparalleled possibilities. To be built in Bucharest-Magurele, ELI-NP will be one of the three pillars of ELI - THE EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE, along with the facilities dedicated to the study of secondary sources (Dolni Brezany, near Prague) and attosecond pulses (Szeged). 

The receiving of applications for the ELI-NP job openings is an ongoing process. The number of ELI-NP employees will gradually increase until reaching 250 in 2018, after several admission sessions. The estimated number of new ELI-NP employees in R&D up to 2016 is 126, out of which 20 on Senior Researcher positions, 70 Junior Researchers, 20 Engineers and 16 Technicians. Benefits for the future employees: motivating salary based on qualifications and experience; social insurance; medical insurance. 

The applicants will be informed via e-mail on the progress of the procedure. Click here for the official job openings website.

The ELI project, a collaboration of 13 European countries, it comprises four pillars:

  • High Energy Beam Science devoted to the development and usage of dedicated beam lines with ultra short pulses of high energy radiation and particles reaching almost the speed of light. This part of ELI will be realized in Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Attosecond Laser Science designed to conduct temporal investigation of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, plasmas and solids at attosecond scale (10-18 sec.). Szeged (Hungary) will host the short pulse pillar of ELI.
  • Laser-based Nuclear Physics pillar will be built in Magurele (near Bucharest/Romania) and will focus on laser-based nuclear physics. While atomic processes are well suited to the visible or near visible laser radiation, as a third pillar ELI-NP will generate radiation and particle beams with much higher energies, brilliances suited to studies of nuclear and fundamental processes.
  • Ultra High Field Science that will explore relativistic laser-matter interaction in an energy range where totally new phenomena like radiation dominated interaction become dominant.

In its mission ELI will practice a vigorous technology transfer to European SMEs and large firms. High on ELI agenda will be the training of aspiring scientists and engineers in the numerous disciplines associated with the Extreme Light.

ELI-NP will create a new European laboratory to consistently investigate a very broad range of science domains, from new fields of fundamental physics, new nuclear physics and astrophysics topics, to applications in material science, life sciences and nuclear materials management.


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 24, 2013
Modified on May 24, 2013