News archive - Hurry up to register for the SEE PROGRAMME ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013
5 days are left to register in this event orgqanised by the South East European Programme on 19 June 2013, in Bucharest (Romania).
Under the title "SEE achievements in view of the new programmes in the area", the Conference is aimed to highlight and showcase the added value of the SEE transnational cooperation programme.
More specifically, aimed to:
- Analyse and promote the Programme’s and projects’ achievements up to date
- Inform and provide input about the new developments in the preparation of the two new programme in the area: Danube and South East Gateway and the links with the Macroregional Strategies
- Analyse the legacy of the current programming period to be maintained and the needed changes to be implemented in the next programming period
- Support a beneficial exchange between all projects in the SEE area and to create capitalisation and synergies possibilities among projects
- Provide an opportunity for several projects to present their outcomes and results, as part of an Exhibition/Fair
This one day event will mainly be divided into two parts. The first part will focus on the future of European Territorial Cooperation and the new programmes in the area. The second part will explain the thematic capitalisation strategy of the programme and the achievements gained by both the programme and the projects so far.
The conference will bring together up to 400 participants, including representatives of partner states from the SEE and future programmes in the area, among which are: EU member states, countries aspiring to EU membership as well as EU neighboring countries.
You can download the draft agenda of the event:
Or on the conference website:
Attendance is upon registration only. Deadline for registrations: 31st May
Please register and book in advance to reserve your place at the conference.
The number of participants is limited to 400 persons and participants are accepted in the order of registrations.
The organisers reserve the right to close the registration once they have reached the foreseen number of participants. Those who will try to register after the registration was closed will be placed on a waiting list and will be announced in case that someone cancels their registration.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Please note that all conference proceedings will be in English
The South East Europe programme is a unique instrument which, in the framework of the Regional Policy's Territorial Cooperation Objective, aims to improve integration and competitiveness in the SEE area. The programme is supporting projects developed within four Priority Axes: Innovation, Environment, Accessibility, and Sustainable Urban Development - in line with the Lisbon and Gothenburg priorities, and is also contributing to the integration process of the non-EU member states.
For more details about the SEE Programme please visit
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 28, 2013
Modified on May 28, 2013