News archive - Innovation Platform for SMEs: The EC is seeking your opinion!

The European Commission is planning to establish an innovation platform; it will provide small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a guided tour through the whole innovation cycle using structured e-learning content, serious games, immersive simulation techniques that allow “learning by doing” and a collaborative platform for informal and peer-to-peer learning.

Innovation in products, services and processes is a way in which European SMEs can be transformed into competitive companies that have good economic health and can create new jobs. Companies that invest in innovation increase their own competitiveness and that of the European Union as a whole.

As part of this initiative the SME4RTDI Project, which is supported by DGRTDI, is asking SMEs to answer a few short question in order to establish a needs analysis. Your participation in this survey will contribute towards the creation of this platform and allow you to keep abreast of developments. It will entitle you to a free learning course/platform and you will be one of the first companies invited to join it.


Source: Euresearch, link to survey

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Maximilian Wollner on May 29, 2013
Modified on May 29, 2013