News archive - Upcoming deadline - Consultation on Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020

In preparation for a major conference on role of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research in Horizon 2020, an online consultation on the 'state of the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe' was launched and the deadline for contributing to the debate is approaching.

 The consultation consists of five questions aimed at both individuals and institutions, including those who have not previously taken part in EU-funded research. The questions focus particularly on the cross-cutting role of SSH research in Horizon 2020. The results will be published and will feed into the planned Vilnius declaration on “Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities”. The consultation is open until 15 June 2013.

Registration is now open for the "Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities" conference, to be held on 23-24 September 2013 in Vilnius, as part of the upcoming Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council. The conference will focus on the role of SSH in Horizon 2020, including on how SSH approaches be effectively embedded across the seven ‘challenges’ in Horizon 2020 and which structural requirements and pre-conditions determine a more effective outcome of SSH research.

The consultation and conference details can be seen at:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 12, 2013
Modified on June 12, 2013