News archive - [Event Review] - Conference "Europe Here and There"

The Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo hosted the conference “Europe, Here and There” from 8-9 May 2013. The conference gathered 30 researchers to discuss media reporting on Europeanisation in Western Balkan countries.

The conference presented results from analyses performed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, revealing similar media coverage patterns of EU related topics. The majority of reports present high-level state political activities, whereas the everyday stories of normal citizens are neglected. The EU is also represented, though primarily through politicians. Finally, commentary by NGOs, experts and other stakeholders are almost absent from the media. 

“Citizens, Media and the EU,” a key event and roundtable at the conference was organised with media and NGO representatives: Kenan Ćerimagić, News Director at TV Hayat, Nikola Marković, Editor at BHT 1, Alida Vrać, Think Tank Populari, Nermina Hadžiomerović, European Research Centre and Damir Banović, Centre for Political Studies. Some of the topics addressed at this roundtable by scholars, journalists and NGA activists include citizen knowledge of Europeanisation, their potential desire to learn more on this process, and the parties responsible for informing these citizens. 

In order to provide better media practices via quality information for citizens, the conference findings recommend including different social groups in the preparation of EU stories, consistently educating journalists on Europeanisation, financing media coverage of everyday life in the EU, increasing media format types to attract viewers and using online communication tools in more effective ways.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 3, 2013
Modified on July 3, 2013