News archive - [Event Review] - UKRO Annual Conference 2013

Each year the UK Research Office (UKRO) organises a two-day Annual Conference aimed primarily at European Liaison Officers, European research managers, Research Councils and policy makers. The conference provides an excellent forum for discussion and networking, including with invited speakers from the European Commission, on a range of different EU funding programmes and policies. The UKRO Annual Conference 2013 took place at the University of Edinburgh, John McIntyre Conference Centre, on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2013.

The conference was an ideal opportunity to find out more about a range of European funding programmes and implementation issues, particularly Horizon 2020, the framework programme for research and innovation that will run from 2014-2020, and to hear presentations from representatives of the European Commission and other organisations.

With over 200 delegates attending the UKRO Annual Conference, it provided a valuable chance for networking with colleagues from other organisations, both from the UK and other countries.


Speakers' Presentations

Day 1 - Thursday 13 June 2013

Day 2 - Friday 14 June 2013

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 16, 2013
Modified on July 16, 2013