News archive - [Event Announcement] The European landscape of research funding- Achievements in FP7 and prospects in Horizon 2020
The workshop is jointly organised by COST and STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) and will address current and future European research funding instruments. Registrations close on 23 September.
The workshop aims to examine different European research funding initiatives and instruments, analyse their achievements and indicate possible improvements.
- The landscape of European research funding: a political overview
- Science-driven and policy-driven programmes: from FP7 to Horizon 2020
- Public-Public Partnerships in FP7 and in H2020
- Public-Private Partnerships in FP7 and in H2020
- Future Emerging Technologies (FETs): the long-term
- European Institute of Technologies (EIT): synergies for an innovative Europe
- Structural Funds and Horizon 2020: which synergies for a better research?
- The COST Framework
For further information, contact Katalin Alfoldi in the COST Office or
Gianluca Quaglio, STOA Secretariat:
Registration is open until 23 September at
- General/no specific focus
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 19, 2013
Modified on August 19, 2013