News archive - New EC report on gender analysis in research

The EC has published a report on "Gendered Innovations: How gender analysis contributes to research". The report is the output of an expert group on "Innovation through Gender", funded through FP7 Science in Society programme. The report and the accompanying website feature various methods to carry out sex and gender analysis, as well as case studies to illustrate how doing so will lead to new ideas and excellence in research.

The  "Gendered  Innovations"  report  highlights  the   issue  of   gender  bias   in   design  and implementation of research through a number of interesting case studies covering basic science, engineering, environment, food and nutrition, health and medicine, transport, and communicating science. Some examples of gender biased research featured in the report. The case studies show how applying the methods of gender analysis to the featured areas of research has led to new ideas, services and new technologies, and opened up new areas to research. The report, and the accompanying website, includes a dedicated section on the methods of sex and gender analysis that can be used as a 'toolkit' and applied to all stages of the research process.

Original news source: UKRO newsletter

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 4, 2013
Modified on September 4, 2013