News archive - EC launches a new "Indicator of Innovation Output"
The "Indicator of Innovation Output" measures the extent to which ideas from innovative sectors are able to reach the market, providing better jobs and making Europe more competitive. The indicator was developed at the request of EU leaders to benchmark national innovation policies, and shows that significant differences remain between EU countries. The novelty of the proposed indicator is that it focuses on innovation output. As such, it complements the Commission's Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) and Summary Innovation Index (SII) (IP/13/270). These assess the innovation performance of Member States and the EU more widely, against a broad set of 24 innovation indicators including inputs, throughputs and outputs.
The EU as a whole performs well in an international comparison, even though it remains behind some of the most innovative economies worldwide (MEMO/13/782). Sweden, Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg are the EU Member States getting the most out of innovation, according to a new indicator proposed by the European Commission.
The proposed new indicator shows a wide range of innovation output across EU Member States (EU average set to 100 in 2010): ![]() The top performers in the EU owe their ranking to doing well on several or all of the following factors: an economy with a high share of knowledge-intensive sectors, fast-growing innovative firms, high levels of patenting and competitive exports. The novelty of the proposed indicator is that it focuses on innovation output. As such, it complements the Commission's Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) and Summary Innovation Index (SII) (IP/13/270). These assess the innovation performance of Member States and the EU more widely, against a broad set of 24 innovation indicators including inputs, throughputs and outputs. Innovation output is wide-ranging and differs from sector to sector. The proposed indicator is based on four components chosen for their policy relevance.
A comparison with some non-EU countries shows that the EU as a whole does well. Switzerland and Japan have a clear performance lead, but the EU is more or less even with the United States on innovation output. ![]() Background The Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is underpinned by five headline indicators. One of these is to improve the conditions for Research & Development (R&D), with the aim of raising combined public and private investment levels for R&D to 3% of GDP. To complement this R&D intensity indicator, the European Council gave the Commission the mandate to develop a single innovation indicator. Commission Communication "Measuring innovation output in Europe: towards a new indicator" Innovation Union Scoreboard: Innovation Union Europe 2020
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Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 16, 2013
Modified on September 16, 2013