News archive - JRC launches the Danube Innovation Partnership
The JRC formally launched the Danube Innovation Partnership at a kick-off meeting on 29 October in Bucharest, Romania. The Partnership gathers universities and research centres, technology transfer offices, local and national governments from 14 countries, as well as European stakeholders. It is an integral part of the JRC's Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy initiative, which seeks to improve the economic development across the region and boost growth and jobs through better policy making and funding.
JRC's scientific support of the Danube Strategy aims to support the development of research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation. It focuses on four scientific priorities: environment protection, irrigation and agricultural development, navigability and energy production.
More than 100 participants representing public authorities, academia, industry and NGOs from the Danube region discussed how to create a network that will design and implement measures to accelerate innovation and technology transfer and how to support the commercialisation of research in the area.
The meeting was opened by Vladimír Šucha, Deputy Director-General of the JRC, and Tudor Prisecaru, Romanian State Secretary for Research. It was held in the framework of the Second Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, jointly organised by the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional Development and the Government of Romania.
- Danube Macroregion
- General
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 30, 2013
Modified on October 30, 2013