News archive - [Call for Papers] Annual of ISPJR Journal at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje - Deadline: 30 September 2016

The call concerns the second issue in 2016, for the international scientific journal “Annual of ISPJR” with an international editorial board. The Annual is published continuously since 1975. All articles are published online in accordance with the concept of open access, twice a year.

The publication of the accepted papers is financed by the author and the submission fee is 50 euros (in Macedonian denars counter value).  The papers should be written in English, and it is author’s responsibility to provide a statement from a proof reader.

ANNUAL of ISPJR covers the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary research and cross-functional issues are particularly favored.

ANNUAL of ISPJR publishes research papers, professional papers, book reviews, research reports, scientific conferences proceedings etc. The articles should be submitted in English. The journal uses double-blind peer review from two experts.

The deadline for submission is 30.09.2016. The papers should be submitted at the following address:

Instructions for the authors:

The Editorial Board is accepting only unpublished articles. The article should be in English language and should be proof readed. The Author is obliged, together with the article to send a statement from the proof reader.

Each article will be anonymised and will be double-blind peer reviewed from two experts. The Editorial Board keeps the right based on the statement from the experts, not to published some of the received articles.

The articles should be send only as electronic documents in word format, with extensions: *.doc or *.docx.

On the first page of the paper should be written:

  • title of the paper;
  • name of the author, including academic degree and status;
  • the author’s address for electronic mail and name and address of the institution where the author is employed or affiliated.

These information are followed by an abstract, that should contain between 200 and 300 words. At the end of the abstract should be given key words (3-6), to provide easier indexing and classification of the paper. 

The second page of the paper is starting point for anonymity. The text starts on this page, with the title of the article, but without any information regarding the author or affiliated institution. The length of the paper is limited to 18.000 characters (without space), including footnotes, graphs, tables, pictures, diagrams and other illustrations, but also including bibliography, that should be placed at the end of the paper.

In exceptional cases, having on mind the suggestion from the reviewers the Editorial Board keeps the right to publish papers that length exceeds the specified limit of 18.000 characters.

Technical details of the document:

  • Page format: A4
  • Margins:  3 cm
  • Font: Arial
  • Font size: 14-title of the paper; 12-text and chapter titles; 10-footnotes, titles of the graphs or tables and content (text and numbers) of the tables.
  • Line spacing: 1,5-for main text: 1-for footnotes
  • Paragraph spacing: 6-after; 0-before
  • Alignment: left
  • The title of the paper and also the chapter titles or subtitles within the text are with left alignment and without indentation
  • Tables and graphs should be word generated and their size and complexity should fit with the page format of the paper. Each table or graph should be named with Arabic number and appropriate title. For example: “T-1: Estimations of the role of the media …” Table or graph should be position immediately after the paragraph where the table or the graph is commented. At the end of such paragraph a note should be given, for example: (see: T-1) or (see: G-1) depending if it is table or graph.

Technical details of the paper:

  • Authors have to cite the sources not in the footnote, but in the text (Harvard reference style). For example:
  1.  (Robertson 1992) if it is general referencing and only one author

(ii) (Berger 1997: 24) if block quote is used page number should be given if the reference, the quotation in the text should be in italic and and idented from the left hand margin

  1.  (Turner 1981; Turner 1991) referencing includes different titles from the same author
  2.  (Bergen и Jones 2000) if there are two authors
  3.  (Jones at al., 2001) if there are three or more authors only the name of the first is mentioned
  • All references should be listed in the text. Also, when one reference is used more than once, forms such as: “ibid” or “op cit.” should not be used.
  • It is expected that the authors will use the footnotes only for commenting or supplementing the text.
  • The list of references (bibliography of used literature) will be listed at the end of the paper and should provide full details for each source mentioned in the paper. The references are listed alphabetically by authors and chronologically for the titles of the same author. For example:
  1.  book or monograph: Brubaker R (1992) Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  2.  chapter or article in the book or paper in proceedings book: Habermas J (1994) “A Citizenship and National Identity”. In: van Steenbergen B (ed.) The Condition of Citizenship. New York: Sage Publications, pp.22-38.
  3.  paper or article in periodical: Rohrschneider R (2002) “The Democratic Deficit and Mass Support for an EU-Wide Government”. American Journal of Political Science 46(2): 463-475.
  4.  newspaper article: Mason P (2015) “The four questions we need to answer before bombing Isis or Assad”, The Guardian, 21 September 2015
  5.  Internet/Websites: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Diplomatic and consular representations -Tallinn. Available at: (accessed 10 October 2010)
  6.  legislation: Law on audio and audiovisual media services. Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 184/2013

For more details see the file Harvard citation style – All examples at the website of the ISPJR.​

Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on September 16, 2016
Modified on September 16, 2016