News archive - [Event Announcement & Call for Applications] Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE), 28-30 June 2017
This year, the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia) will host the 8th edition of the European Commission’s Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) from 28th to 30th June 2017. This conference is supported by the Directorate-General Research & Innovation, Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Programme and is related to the 2017 Slovak EU Presidency. The Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) is from 2010 main European policy forum for innovation and regional development.
WIRE 2017 mission
To stimulate socially responsible research and innovation of digitalisation for regional development and to understand its societal impact using synergies between different EU policies to support economic, social and territorial cohesion. In other words: To understand and stimulate the positive societal and economic impact of digital R&I on EU regions and its people and on building a creative, social and trusted region.
The concept of WIRE2017
The WIRE’17 will be based on building inspiration and trust in digital innovation with significant and positive societal impact on region and people. The WIRE’17 will be built on synergic and interconnected pillars and themes. The audience will be confronted in interactive and participatory ways with best practices, trends & visions and societal impact issues within following issues:
- Strengthening the socially responsible research and innovation in digitalisation and new skills (jobs and growth)
- Enhancing the social impact and the potential of digital innovation for societal benefits
- Strengthening the impact of digitalisation in rural areas
- Increasing awareness for the need of regional actions to stimulate positive societal impact of digitization
- Enhancing the efficiency of public administration through digital public innovation
- The Widening context for spreading excellent science and increasing potential of participation through existing cases
- To support utilization of creativity and science&art for achieving trusted and successful up-take of breakthrough innovation and inspirational conference space
WIRE2017 objectives
- understand the rapid dynamics and the evolution of digitalization in line with economic (market) pressures and social needs
- learn from successful innovative practices and allow exchanges on practices among EU regional stakeholders
- support dialogue across quadruple helix stakeholders (policy makers, industry, academia and citizens)
- to reflect on the post 2020 agenda and the synergies from the linkage between FP9, Cohesion and S3
WIRE2017 provides to participants an opportunity to present your projects, visions and initiatives (in the form of posters, stands, roll-ups, videopresentations) that are in line with the WIRE2017 themes in an open space session held on June 29th.
For more information and space or technical requirements please contact Zuzana Kravecova ( with the email subject: WIRE2017 Open space.
The space for open space presentations is limited. We are looking forward to your inspiring presentations and fruitful networking!
For source and further information, please visit WIRE website
- Europe
- Slovenia
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on May 30, 2017
Modified on May 30, 2017