News archive - [Call for Applications] Local Youth Advisory Groups: Open call for participants in Kavadarci and Skopje

The Balkan Regional Platform for Youth Participation and Dialogue has issued an open call for participation in Local Youth Advisory Groups in the following municipalities: Kavadarci and Centar (Skopje).

Who can apply?

Aged 16-30, live in one of the above mentioned municipalities, interested in youth work, willing to learn and gain new experience by working with the youth in your community, interested to contribute to the Balkan youth regional co-operation platform making.     

What will you do?       

·         Participate and learn the skills of public policy making

·         Requested to give Your Opinion that matters

·         Engage in local democracy development actions

·         Learn more about the EU accession process

·         Share knowledge and skills in intercultural environment

Interested candidates should send a motivational letter and CV (deadline is June 18, 2017) to the following address: with the subject: Local Youth Advisory Groups.

Source: Alda Balkan Youth

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on June 13, 2017
Modified on June 13, 2017