News archive - Launch of tourism development grant scheme
As a part of its Tourism Development and Promotion project, on 16 July 2018, the RCC launched a tourism development grant scheme worth 1.62 million euros.
The project, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RCC, works to consolidate and diversify cultural and adventure tourism offers in six Western Balkans economies, develop joint regional tourism routes and products, and globally promote the regional offer.
The grant scheme will be implemented over a three-year period through three calls for pilot project proposals. A total of 30 + grants, worth up to 54,000 euros each, will be awarded through the scheme in an effort to improve the infrastructure and quality of services along selected tourism routes.
The first call for project proposals will be open till 16 August 2018 with a view to selecting the first 10 + pilot projects to be implemented between November 2018 and June 2019.
Please refer to this page for all related official information
- Western Balkans
- General
Entry created by Admin on July 19, 2018
Modified on July 19, 2018