News archive - Materials from the III RICH Symposium - European Research Infrastructures: from WP 2020 calls to Horizon Europe

The III RICH Symposium, European Research Infrastructures: from WP 2020 calls to Horizon Europe  was held on 14 May 2019 in Brussels. Presentations from the event are now available.


Find below the link to all presentations given. Particularly interesting is the presentation  "The Work Programme 2020 of H2020: A bridge to Horizon Europe" by Deputy HoU, DG RTD.B4, European Commission .

Mr. Froissard started his speech by talking of the need for a coherent toolbox of activities including EU Structural & National Funds for the implementation, concept, preparation and operation phases and then  H2020 for ESFRI & Other World Class RI of pan European interest. He further provided a snapshot of the RI Work Programme 2020 including the 5 calls and topics 8 topics. In particular he addresses the:

Integrating and opening RIs of European interest

  • INFRAIA-02-2020Integrating Activities for Starting communities
  • INFRAIA-03-2020Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities

Demonstrating the role of RIs in the translation of Open Science into Open Innovation

  • INFRAINNOV-03-2020Co-innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies
  • INFRAINNOV-04-2020Innovation pilots

Support to policy and international cooperation

  • INFRASUP call

In conclusion, Mr Froissard tackled the specific objectives of the upcoming programme Horizon Europe:

  • Support the creation and diffusion of high-quality knowledge
  • Strengthen the impact of R&I in supporting EU policies
  • Foster all forms of innovation and strengthen market deployment,

and the areas of intervention related to the Research Infrastructures.

Find the presentation below for download and more details on the III RICH Symposium here



Geographical focus
  • EC
  • Europe
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on December 1, 2019
Modified on December 19, 2019