News archive - Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU- EU funding overview, including H2020

Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently a potential candidate to the EU.

The EU is the largest provider of financial assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina providing

  • €1.19 billion in EU pre-accession funds (2007-2020)
  • €2.4 billion in loans from European Investment Bank since 1999
  • €284.3 million provided since 2009 in Western Balkans Investment Framework grants, leveraging investments of estimated €3.6 billion

When it comes to the performance of Bosnia and Herzegovinian RTDI organisations in H2020, 524 organisations (one organisation participating in N proposals is counted N times) applied for the Horizon 2020 grants with 14.07% success rate. In total, 94 organisations were involved in 53 grant agreements in total. One SME organisation received Seal of Excellence that is awarded to all high quality proposals under H2020 SME Instrument, which are above the quality threshold but cannot be awarded under the available budget. There were 11 SMEs participating in H2020 projects (one organisation participating in N proposals is counted N times).

There were 15 organisations funded under Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (one organisation participating in N proposals is counted N times).

Net EU contribution awarded to Bosnia and Herzegovinan organisations was EUR 6.87 mio. Bosnia and Herzegovina is ranked 8 (out of 16 Associated Countries), when it comes to participation level, and 10 (out of 16 Associated Countries) when it comes to budget share.

Source: and Herzegovina and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on March 6, 2020
Modified on March 9, 2020