News archive - Co-designing the New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus proposes to focus our conversations on the places we inhabit and on our relationship with natural environments, beyond the built space. It is a practical approach to discover beautiful, sustainable and inclusive ways of living and to use them to inspire our way forward.

Let's all start answering a simple question: what would the new ideal building be? And if we open more that question, what would beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places be like? What are the feelings, the sensations, but also the practical requirements and the materials we would use? If it was our neighbourhood, how should that look like, feel like, work like? How would we share the space and what would be our new habits? What if the new buildings were spaceships? What if they were earthships? What if they were like a bird's nest, or a flower, or a tree?

What if?... How to?...

If you join the conversation, your answers will be your introduction to the rest of the community. Are you up for it?

Start here:

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on April 1, 2021
Modified on April 1, 2021